Late birthday wishes...ahh..i have been so busy recently that i din even have the time to sit down and think to myself wad i wish for...i have cut 4 cakes and all 4 times when ppl ask me to make a wish..i din reallie wish anything...something like...everyone healthy and sound kinda crap...
but wad do i reallie wish for? hmmmm...for the time being, i wish for more time to myself...time is nv enough when u have started working...the 2 pathetic days of just not day i use to rest then without knowing it's sunday..the horrible anticipation of monday aka start of work~! sighz...boring...boring life...
i guess i also wanna find that special someone to share my life with? although every now and then i will think to myself, do i reallie wan a r/ship or just someone to be there as and when i need? (err..get wad i am trying to say?)
well..anywayz the above was typed at 10pm in office when they suddenly off the it was a sign for me to go home...on my way home, i saw a couple arguing..i dunno if they are like together or wad cos the guy was quite rough on the ger...i think he was drunk or wad cos even though i wasn't super near them, i could smell quite scary..i so scared as i walked near them...but after that i think some ppl think the guy a bit over and went to one guy held on to the drunkard, the ger ran away...i guess they are not together ? i dunno...then the drunkard got violent and wanted to fight w the guy holding on to him...zzz...dramatic sia..and i so kpo...just stood at the bus stop to watch as i attempt to book a cab..but well..once again, booking a cab at 10+ in this area proves to be an impossible task...i took train home..reached at 1115 latest yet...all yz la...ask me to wait for her...then in the end tell me she can't go ~ grrr...but i know it's her mgr lah...can't blame her..
i guess i have digressed a lot from the main bday wish...have more time~~ =P
(added on 7 April)
i forgot to mention that on 16 Mar, my frenz came to my house and gave me a surprise!!
at first, i was talking to ade on maple then she told me she needs to go bathe and ask me to msg ks if she wanna pq at i did and i din suspect anything at all...hahaha..they all very side msg me and say will come online, one side alr on their way here..hahaa
then ee also msg me say she wanna come gimme my bday present plus cakey~ hooray
so she came and we were deciding if we wanna go give bao a surprise too when bao called me and asked me to open the door..i was like??? hahaha....anywayz i went to open the door, i tot onli got her leh..who knows i open the door and saw ks, yx, ade, zy and crowd..hehehe
then all come in and sing song cut cake was reallie a pleasant surprise...seems like i haven had a surprise for bday for reallie enjoyed it~

my watch and cakey~