Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I have finally been to the first live match at National Stadium...

Singapore vs Brazil Olympic Team

But i missed the WHOLE of first half T_T cos my dad totallie underestimated Singaporeans' "passion" for football...there was a very bad jam on the way to National Stadium and when we finally got there, NO parking lots...and the cars are PACKED...those on parallel parking are blocked by another lane of cars -.- i wonder how they come out later...

anywayz finally we managed to park at a super far carpark and got my dad's fren to fetch us to national stadium...by the time i reached there...reallie just nice half time T________________T sadded...

the stadium is only half packed but no more good spots left (of cos...) so we were forced to go to one corner...omg...i nearly wanted to faint...the kids there are so noisy! I am not trying to be racist but SERIOUSLY! the was a group of Malay kids that totallie got on my nerves...i mean...can't they just watch the match...they are acting as though they are on some field trip or sch outing -.- dot dot dot. just happily chit chatting...one of them even started playing loud music from his hp...i mean, the stadium is noisy to start with and to have to listen to such loud music..........? argh...pissed.

The match itself was pretty exciting...although it's quite obvious which is the better team, but occasional display of skill and techniques by some of the singapore players are pleasing to the eyes...让我不禁为他们拍拍手~

Actuallie on the pitch, the only 2 ppl i can recognise is Ronaldinho and Anderson -.-" hahaha but i enjoyed the match and atmosphere...when the team is on an attack, the whole atmosphere in the stadium will make u nervous too...which is why I MUST go to Anfield for a match...i MUST~~~ i wanna be part of the kop and sing / cheer even curse with them~hahaha...^_^

Last note...I think Lucas looks much better in Brazil colours than Liverpool...:\

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I am going HK in 2 days! but i have no feeling tt i am going overseas at all...keke...

anywayz this time i am looking forward to it more...maybe cos it's a "well deserved" break from work after 2 hectic weeks of covering for ade...(hee) ... i am hoping to try things that i haven't done the last time i went... like going to the peak (how can we miss it last time???), trying their famous food (yay! i got a small booklet of recommended food from yx..hee), going to Lantau Island to see the Big Buddha and to watch MY DOLPHIN SHOW @ ocean park! (the last experience with the prc was horrific!) i won't be going to Disneyland this time, but there's always the Disney shop in airport! :) hiak hiak hiak~ and i am so looking forward to the factory outlet mall ...hehehehe...time for my wallet to bleed again~ oh dear, when will i ever start my saving...? :P

p/s Thankew YX for spending time to help me plan my 4 days trip!! (very useful sia~) :D

Sunday, July 06, 2008

oh dear...i went on yet another shopping spree ytd...

bot a pair of shoes (luckily only 1), a pink/lace dress, PLENTY of make up/facial products and refills for my Tsubaki~ :)

i can nv ever save money during GSS!!! -.-
turns out...there's nothing wrong w my keyboard keys...it has been set to a UK setting by default, i changed it to US and voila! all cured! -.- i feel so dumb now. i declare myself as IT idiot.
okie i know i am like SUPER LATE but.... SPAIN is the winner of EURO 08!! omg! i am so HAPPY that they won, they so totallie deserved it! Yay~ ^^v
YAY...finally got the photo with our very nice mr driver in Japan :)

I miss Japan lots...when can i go back again...??