Tuesday, April 28, 2009




Thursday, April 16, 2009

finally an accurate test maybe?

I did a quiz on facebook, but i tot it sounded reallie like me...(although i dun reallie like germans :P)

Shi Wei completed the quiz "THE INNER NATIONALITY QUIZ: WHAT ARE YOU REALLY?" with the result You are German..
You are precise yet romantic, efficient yet dreamy, friendly yet somewhat suspicious of others. You rarely smile, but when you do it's very meaningful. You like it best when there is a group consensus, and yet you are easily annoyed by the slowness and/or stupidity of others. Sometimes you think that if only you could live on an island or move to some wonderful place far away where things are different, everything would be better, and if you can't realize this dream you often lose yourself in books/vacations/recipes/sports -- anything for an escape! All in all, however, you make your peace with life, and have many old friends. .

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Twist n turns...

just when i have adjusted myself to accept the fact i will be taking over from my colleague i.e. helping a banker i dun like...then another colleague helping my current boss said she will be tendering soon O_O 1 min, we had 1 extra hand, the next, we are short handed ...i dunno if it's a good or bad thing suddenly...i dunno if i can handle my boss's things on my own =.= sianz...but 1 thing's for sure, no need to worry abt getting retrenched...they dun have enough ppl to do so...:P

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Random photos...

Clearing my hp photos...:P

Messy dressing table part 1

Messy dressing table part 2

Wad we had to wear when we visited yx last time...hehe
ade's red slippers in the office -.-"

doodlings on my paper...

Thursday, April 09, 2009


i am a person who is very resistent to change.

I know i shld be glad that i am given this opportunity ...it's the time to show my work performance...maybe it's a blessing in disguise...then it just leads me to think of the lot i drew in TW...dig gold...lol, maybe it's reallie my time to shine...? i can onli try to look at the bright side of things...somehow...

Sunday, April 05, 2009

belated bday celebration :D

Thanks for the treat and the gifts...I love my new bunny :D

Mr Monopoly Man spotted at PS!