Monday, June 29, 2009

carpet? :P

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Ci Wei~

It started off as a stupid nickname joke...then i suddenly think, maybe i am like a ci wei...curls up into a ball and hides to myself while having the protective spikes outside...haha

The world is small...?

I just found out one of the open water divers i went dayang with works in pwc and the same dept i was qiao is tt? considering tt dept is so wonder she works late everyday and on weekends too~ i guess i am concerned with this becos of the attachment i feel for pwc...haha but well just tot that the world is small.

Spanish placement test

Shld i go and take my placement test at Las Lilas? i am lazy and i dun wanna revise :X haha...

but when i read the little book ash and cin bot for me, i feel like taking spanish again~ Hmmmm...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Pretty Decos :D

Ok this is reallie cute~

i wish these were available or that i am aware of these when i was still a teenager...haha~

Anilao here i come~

Going on my first leisure dive in the Philippines on 5th - 9th Aug :D

although i am still a bit scared, i hope i get to see more things this time...ash said she saw leopard sharks!!! i hope i can :D but b4 that maybe i shld go get a fish ID book or tt at least i wun name them as Fish A Fish B Fish C...heee...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Cutie pie :D

Why is it so guai, looking at me? cos i had a big piece of meat in my hand!!! pigs will be pigs...


nope, i did not follow my exercise regime at all! =.=

sianz. to. the. max.

Monday, June 08, 2009


i keep everyone out of my world...there's always a protective film ard myself...but i expect to just break into others' world and be part of everyone's selfish. how naive.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Demoralising fa(c)t...

as more than 3 ppl commented on my size within 2 days(!), i decided it's reallie time to do sth abt the ever increasing weight and horizontal expansion of my body...

1. Go swimming on weekends
2. Go gym twice a week
3. Eat lesser fried food and carbs

To do list

1.Read my Carra Autobiography
2.Read the 5 magazines i bot from TW (even though they are outdated now)
3.Watch my dled tw variety shows (i think i hit 50 episodes liao)
4.Watch the Korean version of Hana Yori Dango (dled since donkey yrs ago)
5.Watch the dled movies (rotting in my external hard disk)
6.Clean up my room (freaking messy!)
7.Clear up my wardrobe (bursting!)
8.find a dress for ade's ROM (7 days left) write my spanish notes

Pre-celebration for Ade's ROM

heee...although it was meant to be like a celebration, we just spent our time playing games...i enjoyed myself a lot :P it's been awhile since we gathered and "shout" at one another...hahaha...i guess i am reallie reallie myself when i hang out w my sec sch clique...totallie no image :P nyahaha! i realise i tend to speak loudly when i am w them :) no matter wad, hope everyone enjoyed the little get-together...8 days b4 MISS Adeline Tan no longer exists ...hehehe...

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

just a tot...


26th dream comes true

I look forward to seeing Gerrard, Torres, Alonso and the rest of the LFC players on 26th July. See you then :)