Saturday, December 25, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Spring Cleaning time!!!
Today, 心血来潮, decided to do some spring cleaning for my room :P shesh -.- it took my 6 hours to sorta organise my stuffs (i.e. not totally organised yet)...i threw away 7 bags of rubbish and 2 bags of textbooks to donate...haha
Found some cute little things stashed somewhere...residues of my PWC days...i used to go w my colleague to far east square to turn these capsules...hahaha

I almost got the complete set alr...think i am missing bad badtz maru and the kiki (the blue boy of little twin stars)
I forgot to take photos of the post-spring cleaning...-.- tmr then post :P
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Harry Potter 7
Just watched the show ytd w brought back memories of why i loved the series so much last time...i must say this is one of the better made movies...maybe it's becos i haven't re-read this book as much as the previous books so i dun rem a lot of details which prob made the movie more enjoyable too :)
~I am gonna re-read book 7!
The weddings are over~
I am so glad the weddings are over :P
No doubt i am happy for the 2 couples but seriously weddings are so troublesome...if i ever get married, i think i will opt to skip all these ma fan~
shall wait for some nice photos to post :P
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
nail art :D
Friday, November 12, 2010
Sunday, November 07, 2010
SN gathering
Well it's been a while since all 6 of us gathered~ although there was still a little bit of awkwardness at the start...i think all ice was broken during the cooking session...:)
success on our aglio olio cooking too :D big improvement from our first attempt of the tomato basil pasta :) happified~
ended off the day w some catching up/ chatting and the usual Big taboo gaming and once again, very amused by the silly things we do during the game~ Fun :)
Friday, November 05, 2010
Pre-korea trip
Saturday, October 23, 2010
10 yrs reunion~
Yes, it's officially 10yrs since i graduated from SNGS...time flies~
the happiest thing today i guess is that i saw lots of frenz that i have sorta lost contact or have not contacted for a long long time~ there could have been more but i am still happy nonetheless :)
Wish we can have more gatherings like this..and preferably we do not have to wait another 10 yrs for it :)
Saturday, October 09, 2010
How to reduce stomach acid?
1) Keep a food journal. Food isn't the only cause of acid reflux, but it can make stomach acid worse. Certain foodslike tomatoes, chocolate, peppermint and citrus fruits can cause acid reflux to become worse. Trigger foods are different for each person, and keeping a food journal will help you determine which foods cause discomfort. If a food causes acid reflux to become worse, highlight the food in the journal and add it to a list of your other trigger foods.
2) Avoid foods that trigger acid. Once you know which foods trigger acid reflux, you can work on avoiding those foods. It may take awhile to learn how to avoid certain foods, such as tomatoes or caffeine, but there are a number of different ways to make substitutions to your meals. For example, try a cream-based sauce on your pasta rather that spaghetti sauce. Another suggestion is to switch to caffeine-free drinks.
3) Lose weight. If you're overweight, the extra weight can push on your stomach and cause acid to rise into your throat. This is especially true if you sleep on your back or if you clothes fit too tightly. While in the process of losing weight, you may want to purchase bigger clothing. Also, it's always a good idea to keep your bed propped up, even if you aren't carrying extra pounds.
4) Reduce stress. Stress can cause acid reflux to flare up. This is why many people who suffer from acid reflux can be fine for several months and then have a flareup. In order to keep your stomach acid at bay, it's best to reduce stress with hobbies, a change of job or even counseling.
5) Try over-the-counter medications. There are many over-the-counter medications available that help reduce stomach acid. There are even generic versions that contain the same ingredients as the pricier brand name brands.
6) Consult your doctor for stronger medications, if necessary. Sometimes it's impossible to control stomach acid on your own or even with OTC medicines. Your doctor may be able to prescribe medications that will offer relief. Your doctor will also be able to give tips and suggestions that suit your body's needs.
Saturday, October 02, 2010
Acid Reflux Part 2
The acid reflux condition is back again :( doc advise me to cut down / stop caffaine intake...this might be the start of my farewell to my beloved coffee...the frustrating thing is i duno wad caused this?! and i read online that this condition, once it starts, it might last FOREVER i.e. it will come back every once awhile to haunt me -.- like wad the?!?!
it's reallie depressing not be able to eat properly...i wanna enjoy my food! my sashimis, my korean food, my desserts, my coffee :( and worse of all, after all the sufferings, i not only did not lose weight, i sux! -.-
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Obsession with K pop~
Daily + Weekly routine
Daily updates of K pop from:-
Weekly routine:-
Thurs and Fri to check for Mischievous Kiss subs
Sun - Tues to check for We Got Married subs
Yap, my life pretty much revolves ard doing all these now~
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Simple joys in life...
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Liverpool's new season started pretty brightly~ hopefully it's sustainable :P
~Looking for small things in life to make my day better :)
Saturday, August 14, 2010
world cup!
I actually forgot to post ANY thing abt the world cup!! -_-" can't believe's only when the EPL is starting that i rem abt it~

Although i am happy that Spain won, it would have been better if Germany won :P I think this world cup, the Germans have won over the neutrals and in some instances, deflected fans - like me :) 

3rd place Germany - i am so sad for Klose for not breaking Ronaldo's most no of goals record :( But i am glad that Muller won the best young player award...if only villa won the golden boot...haa

World Cup champions for the first time - they have made history~!
Monday, August 09, 2010
5 days of break from work! :)
So how have i spent the 5 days away from work~?

Day 1:
Pretty much spent the day at the bridal studio helping ade choose her gowns...i must say some of them reallie looks very pretty :) all the b-e-a-u-tiful laces + sequins, my ♥~
I must say i was quite disappointed that some of her frenz seem to think that the evening gown is not nice leh..i dun reallie see the problem? Hmm..i guess everyone's main concern was the colour.. oh well~ they shall see on the actual day~!
I did have my doubts for her outdoor gown though, they say the silhouette is more impt...but i tot the halter design is not very flattering on her upper body though but as long as she likes it :)
Spent the rest of the day watching the other couples beside Kim Hyun Joong and Hwang Bo on season 1 of We Got Married...proved very entertaining indeed :D (yes yes, korean craze still burning strong!)
Day 2: JB!
Wakaka~ My official shopping spree day~ bot 4 pants, 1 pair of shoes (♥), some hair accessories, the gown (purple!) + cardi for sis's wedding dinner
Bad news is during lunch, my appetite still has not improved...seems like i have difficulty eating outside (i can't possibly develop the phobia of eating outside right?!?! *in hysteria*), cos i realised i tend to finish my food at home~We had lunch at Wang Jiao Cafe but i seriously does not like HK tea -.- i don't like teh si~ can i say the cup is like the biggest cup of tea i have seen -.- look! it's bigger than the soup bowl!

By dinner though, i was able to eat more, who can resist fresh crayfish :)...anw, according to my readings, for acid reflux cases, the appetite tends to improve as the day progress cos during the day, gravity will help to pull the acid down whereas in the night, while slping, you are lying flat so the acid is able to "flow" up more...soooooooooo i guess that might be the reason why i eat better at home too, since my meals at home are usually dinner time? haha
Night time was spent on Boys over Flowers - Nope, i still don't like Kim Hyun Joong's version of Hanazawa Rui...He shouldn't be smiling so much, let alone so brightly O.o so not hanazawa rui...this might be the first version of Hana Yori Dango that I am on Domyouji's side...but no, i don't like lee min ho either -.- where's my jang geun suk?? :( If only he did not reject this role~
Day 3: Woke up late...was supposed to meet Ash & co at Bugis at 330 but only reached close to 4 :X haha...BUT still better than ade tan who TOTALLY forgot abt this until ash msg her at 330! she eventually reached at 5+ -.-" tsk tsk tsk
managed to catch up w the gals (actuallie only ash and yun since i see lyn and ade more often)...we went to eat at the jap place at iluma where we can take the order ourselves by using the pen and tapping on the menu~ (we were all very sua gu and were very amazed by it :P) the menu has a large variety of food~ the strawberry yoghurt shake is quite nice but the choco cheesecake can be missed~
Went to Kovan to collect my new Pink/purple glasses~ heee and dinner w parents again~ :P

Night time - spent surfing thr all the channels since they let us watch for free till 10th aug 00:00
Day 4: Yay~ welcomes back kickboxing (and the muscle aches)~ tiring
MJ with Bao and YZ...a dramatic 反败为胜 win for me :P i was losing like 13 bucks at some point of the game but at the last 2 rounds, a couple of 4 and 5 tais later, overall winnings = 6 i.e. i "won" 19 bucks in the last 2 rounds wor *clap clap* :P
started discussing abt our korean trip BUT realised the tickets alone cost 1k+ per pax! jiu ming ah~ still haven't decided if we should go on f&e or tour...i reckon by tour might be cheaper if we wanna go ski, we need to find out how to go to the ski resort + cost, if we want to go jeju, we need to find how much the internal flight costs as well...sigh -.- lots to consider...and the worst thing is i wun be ard on the natas fair i can't go w them to make the decision together...hai~ hope they can handle it :)
night time - new episodes of WGM :D yay~ i love nic-toria and yongseo couple :P
Day 5: deliberately woke up earlier cos i dun wanna spend my last day of holidays slping...but seriously, the very very first tot when i woke up was that i have to go back to work tomorrow!! so sad...
today was dedicated to Korean pop updates + Korean learning online...i found another website that gives some korean info + korean teaching~
as i write now, i am still going thr some of the "useful" phrases...hopefully i can use them when i go at the end of the yr :)
lastly, a canadian pizza dinner to "celeb" SG bday..full~ :)
Yup~ that sums up my 5 days away from work :)
Saturday, August 07, 2010
More photos from sentosa :P

Outside Universal Studio.. the girl who helped us w the photo was very nice, she even asked if we wanna wait till the words turned over b4 taking :) sweet~

Casino...i doubt i will ever go in unless they do away w the 100 bucks thing
Dinner at Hard Rock Cafe - i have nv eaten at hard rock b4..haha
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Jay Chou concert 2010~
Yup my first Jay Chou concert happened on 25 July 2010 ♥
I have never been a fan of his even though i listen to his songs...i rem when everyone was going crazy over him in JC, i refused to join in the crowd...i just dun like to follow the norm...haha but after 10 yrs, here i am, going to my first ever jay chou concert...haha
I have never been a fan of his even though i listen to his songs...i rem when everyone was going crazy over him in JC, i refused to join in the crowd...i just dun like to follow the norm...haha but after 10 yrs, here i am, going to my first ever jay chou concert...haha
I think i focused too much on the screen w lyrics that i actually missed looking at the real person..hahaha..kinda defeats the whole point of going to a live concert :P btw, he has like a huge lyrics board scrolling at the back of the audience i.e. for him to see...hahaha...was pretty funny to see that..he tried to include some magic tricks in the concert..1) girl disappeared in the cage, 2) girl apppeared in a box..hahaha...the part where he used the guitar like a gu zheng was also not bad~ but i love the part where he played the piano for the 4 season songs 春夏秋冬~
Spring - Dao xiang
Summer - Yang guang zai nan
Autumn - Long Juan Feng
Winter - Yan hua yi leng
He does look super charming when he is playing the piano...:)
i think the most disappointing thing for me is the special guests...nothing special abt the special guests...hahhaaa and! he didn't sing ANY of the songs from 十一月的萧邦, my fave album of his -.- sad
Well overall it's not my favourite concert tt i have been to...partly cos i am not like a mega fan of it's kinda hard to get high + i AM getting old for this crazy-girl-screaming thing...BUT it was still pretty enjoyable - like a mega sing-along session with Jay Chou...hahaha...and he's quite witty, changing the lyrics of some of his songs to try to get us high~ :) compared to 10 yrs ago, his words have gotten much more too...time does change ppl i guess, especially in the show biz :)
towards the end of his 2nd encore, he sang an impromptu song (cos it had no lyrics on the screen..) 霍元甲~ 霍霍霍霍,霍霍霍霍~~~

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
For the first time in my life, i can understand what ppl meant when they say they will puke under too much stress...
Today at work, i was SOOOOOOO close to bursting into tears and throwing up :(
even until now, i still have the feeling i might puke anytime :( I HATE IT!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Underwater world :D
Sat, 24 July 2010
Sentosa, Underwater World!
I don't rem when was the last time i went to the underwater world...i rem i have NEVER touched the animals in the touch pool even though i know they are safe...but this time, i decided to be the first person to stick my hand in and grab the safest thing..starfishie :) blueeee feels like...Hmmm...hard sponge?haha and we wanted to touch the puffer fish and blue spotted stingray but they swam too fast :\
3 bamboo sharks (the brownish things) stacking on top of each other...way inside...can't even touch them :\

We moved on to the stingray feeding pool but no one was feeding...just touching the them...and i did too~ hahaa the stingray's flap felt STRONG...full of muscles, the top felt smooth and errr..slimy :P very interesting~
i think they over did the magnifying effect of the glass...the fishes looked way too big to be real..they looked mutated hahahaa

Japan spider crab! LOOKS yummy~ all the comments i heard ard it was abt how delicious it is -.- hahaaha

Dolphin show! although half the time while watching, scenes of "The Cove" kept popping into my head of how those evil ppl hunted and captured dolphins for dolphin shows and ultimately for their meat...

Anyway, this trip made me wanna go diving again to see the puffer fishes, nemos, scorpion fishes etc~ :)
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