when u are not in a job that u like, what do u use to obtain job satisfaction?
i am a simple girl. a realistic girl. increments and bonuses are the simplest ways to tell me the bank appreciates me, my hard work. what do i get in the end? no promotion. no increment. a minute bonus. wonderful. ppl who has been slacking their asses the whole yr gets the promotion. ppl like me and jh who have slogged like mad get.......no promotion. where's the logic? where's the justice? this just further reinforces the fact that life is unfair.
sometimes i wonder am i expecting too much? but how can anyone, anyone dare to tell me in the face that i have not been short changed after comparing w fellow CRAs in the bank?! ppl who came in for only a yr gets promoted. ppl who can go home at 6 gets promoted. ppl who does almost no sales marketing gets promoted. ppl who came in for 5 yrs, works till 8/9pm daily, calls clients to sell products almost daily gets..nothing. how is this fair?
and yes, being the immature and extremely emo me cried at home after enduring to keep the tears in the whole afternoon at work.
i can't wait to say goodbye to this shithole.