Thursday, June 08, 2006

photos photos..

hmm...the long awaited(?) photos..decided to upload some first...still got baoyu's cam's photos...but her laptop just crashed..-.- gotta wait le...
some of the photos we took ...

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First day on the street..walking to 女人街..

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Our navigator and his =P

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Watched the TVB drama serial b4? it's called ICAC (in chinese)

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Soccer fever burns~

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Two satisfied customers..=D

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On the tram to Lan Kwai Fong

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I forgot where is this ...o.o i think is the exhibition and convention centre

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at the temple..somewhere o.o

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3rd disneyland~~~

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At disney's entrance =D

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On the carousel~~~ weeeeeeeeeeee...

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Snow White..look like the cartoon anot?? haha =P

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With two of the ppl working at the shop~ i think we took this for their uniform..but cannot reallie see...o.o

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At the airport..

actuallie we took a lot lah..but to find one that i look ok in..very have limited the meantime..shall wait for baoyu's photos...>.< tml going taiwan le...not very excited..i wanna stay home watch shows and world cup! -.- sigh~

sth else that happened to me ...i know my results le .....-.- 2nd lower...wad do i expect right? with that amount of effort i put in..get 2nd lower shld be happie le..oh well..=X

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