Thursday, December 27, 2007

the much anticipated xmas celebrations are over...happy that we managed to meet up but sad that it's over...i had my long awaited break (1 day off) from work...4 days of work free life is... dam shiok! no need to face the ppl at work, no need to look at the things at work, no need to breathe in the horrible office air...i feel tho i was back as a student on holidays...but...4 days sorta flew by...and i am back to sq 1...but at least on mon, the atmosphere was christmasy, making everyone hardly in the mood for 230, the office is 2/3 empty...onli our team has 2/3 of us still ard...bloody hell...technically she din restrict us from leaving but neither did she said we could it's back to boring o' work...sux to the core reallie =.= the more i am at it, the more i dislike it...hai~

today's wed, seems like it shld be a short week but 3 days seem so LONG...i can't wait for the weekend to come again...sad...but the arrival of this weekend would mean the departure of seems like just last month when u came back and now u are going back fast...hardly had time to meet up more often...=\ we must go for one last ktv session b4 u go ok??

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