Saturday, February 09, 2008

I was looking thr my msn list...then i started to many of these ppl have alr deleted me off their list i.e. they wun see me online but i still see them...shld i just delete them as well...? i dun like the feeling of being "deserted"...thinking about it now...i find that my circle of frenz have shrunk to a miserable stage whereby i can count w my fingers how many i still go out with...this is so depressing...ppl ask me, "do u wan to be someone who has a lot of frenz but acquaintances or someone with just a few frenz whom you are very very close with...?"

My ans? I am greedy... I wan lotsa frenz, out of which, some are those that I know I can always count on...whom I can be open about that... too much to ask...? I reallie need to shed this "anti-social" shell that I have been using to cover myself...

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