Wednesday, October 29, 2008

right...just when i tot we will get a saturday off from spanish, we are thrown right back for spanish 2...O.O so fast ah? hahaha...but i guess it's a good thing lahz...just that sometimes i think of the money spent...zzzzzzz...heart pain ah~ i am reallie getting a bit broke T_T

sometimes i guess i shld be "grateful" that i am in this job, it's only then do i have the time to take up spanish...

ya, as u all can see, i am blabbering...suddenly i just find much of my life taken up by football and spanish these days~ zzzzzzzzz...hai~ i need some job satisfaction...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

yay~ ytd we finally went to the spanish cafe to eat our long awaited paella (pa-eh-ya) :) i was also looking forward to the sangria (fruit wine)...

we ended class at 5pm (the class was fun as usual of cos~) but our teacher made the reservation at 7~! so that means we had 2 hours to kill...the cafe is at arab street so we decided to just walk ard that area...honestly i have nv been to arab street i felt reallie like a tourist there...

we saw this little shop selling the games/toys singaporeans used to play last time...quite a mini toy museum~ throughout the trip, i managed to interact w my classmates to find out more abt their jobs etc...we have a Japanese classmate who is very quiet...but i managed to talk to her more during the dinner :)

anw, we just walked ard arab st that area for awhile...more like ducklings following the mother duck lidat...and we were moving in a pack~ reallie like tourists lidat...and honestly there were parts of the place that totallie dun look like singapore at all~ surprisingly~

most of the shops there were selling fabrics/indian/malay costumes/belly dancing costumes and CARPETS o.o hahaha...and we reallie just spent our time wandering ard...aimlessly...actuallie most of us were very hot and hungry by then...but it seems like our teacher has no intention of going there early...i think it's just in their culture to turn up on time for the reservation but not earlier? haa...

finally someone said let's go to the cafe and sit down and have a drink or sth first while waiting for our food~ (finally!)

anywayz, we were seated on a long we can onli chit chat among ourselves on our end...which was actuallie made up of ade, lyn, me and 2 other gers (1 was the jap girl) technically speaking...i am still hanging out w my closer frenz :X

as for the food~ we had the sangria was bland! hmmm...but the owner said it may taste very mild but it's stronger than we think! esp if we keep eating the fruits which are actuallie the most concentrated part w the wine...(opps that was after i drank half the glass in 1 mouth and ate 3 pieces of apples -.-) but seriously it just tastes like diluted red wine...hmmm...haha

the tapas are very good though~ i love the potatoes with cheese~ yum yum! :)

the paella was a little disappointing...maybe i have nv been the greatest fan of seafood? the whole rice tastes of very strong seafood (prawn in particular) smell...hmmm...i will give it a 6 out of 10...but it's always good to try new things once in awhile i i am still glad we went :)maybe 1 thing is also cos the rice doesn't seem to be the usual rice they use in the mediterranean (sp?)...i think the grains are slightly smaller...but nonetheless i think we all enjoyed the dinner~

then at abt 10, we moved to clarke quay area...the part which i dun reallie like (dancing-.-)...yup yup we went to the cuba libre where they have latin american music...quite nice actuallie and guess wad, we all went down to dance in the end :) it's reallie quite fun~ and lynette was so into the music that she wants to learn salsa..:) actuallie seeing some of the ppl dancing makes me wanna learn too~ esp recently i have been watching this hk drama...also abt dancing...haha...tempting~ but i have no money to learn so much things lah...:P i have been spending too much money recently...

but overall i had fun...cos once i started dancing, i din mind staying longer there~maybe we can go back again some other day on our own...:D

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

yay...yo justo termino mi espanol gusta mi espanol clase mas y mas...hahaha...porque el es muy interesante...

nosotros practicamos hablar noticias en espanol...muy interesante!! aunque yo no tengo interesante noticias, yo digo sobre mi vacaccione a Australia...heee...

ah~ este es mi mejor decision tomar espanol~ :)

realmente, yo pienso yo aprendo muchos de este clase~

Yo espero con interés para la proxima clase!!

finalmente, nuestro clase vamos comer paella! pero yo no quiero bailar en el bar en Clark Quay...quizas yo vuelvo a las once asi que yo puedo tomar metro a mi casa...hmmm...yo quiero ahorrar quiero tomar taxi porque el es muy caro!! :(

yo espero nosotros nos divertimos este sabado~!

Monday, October 13, 2008

As u all probably can tell, i am very in the mood for blogging today, so here's more little spanish vocabs...

perdone (per-do-neh) = excuse me/pardon me/sorry
buenos dias = good morning
buenas tardes = good afternoon
buenas noches = good evening/night
==>bueno = good or bien also means good [think kinder then i realised that is in spanish~ weee]
muy (mui)= very, so muy bien = very good
mucho (mu-cho) = very much, so muchos gracias = thank you very much
luego (lu-eh-go) = later
pero (peh-ro) = but
para = for
a = to
o = or
no se = don't know

too much to digest? the rate she is teaching us...i reallie believe by end of lv 2 i can reallie speak rather fluently~ phew...
woo just watched mama mia! today~

the songs are very them (maybe minus the pierce brosnan's part) but overall was good :) i love colin firth ...even more when he's acting silly...kekeke...

listening to the songs just reminds me of my sec 3/4 performance of the abba songs...ohhhh the memories...:P and even though this show has been out for quite awhile...the theatre was still fact, i had to sit in the front row :X hahaha...

overall i will give it a 4/5 stars just for the songs :)

(singing dancing queen as i typed this...*you are my dancing queen, young n sweet, only 17...dancing queen, feel the beat of the tambourine oh can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life, wooo, see that girl, watch that scene, diggin' the dancing queen...*)
yo decido escribir en espanol pero no se si estoy correcto...hee...

nosotros vamos cantar este sabado antes de clase de espanol...después de clase, nosotros comemos paella en un espanol restaurante y vamos a boat quay beber y bailar...pero no me gusta bailar...:( mi clase de espanol termina en cinco lessiones...muy triste... yo quiero continuar en noviembre...pero yo no puede ir para tres lecciones porque yo voy a australia...muy decepcionante...

encima es simple espanol...comprendeis? :P

sorry fellow friends, i decided to practise my spanish on my future posts might end up in spanish ...:X but well...if u are reallie interested in wad i am saying, u can go do an online translation ...hiakz...but honestly, this post is just to test water...see how much i can write b4 i need to check dictionary (yap, i just bot a dictionary on saturday~)...hahaa...
i know it's very mean for me to think this but i reallie think i have a bimbotic friend =.= sometimes i reallie cannot stand it when she seems so heck care in everything other than food and sleep =\ oh dear...i am such a mean fren T_T shhhhh...

ok...screw that...i m a bimbo too~~~ -.-