Monday, October 13, 2008

woo just watched mama mia! today~

the songs are very them (maybe minus the pierce brosnan's part) but overall was good :) i love colin firth ...even more when he's acting silly...kekeke...

listening to the songs just reminds me of my sec 3/4 performance of the abba songs...ohhhh the memories...:P and even though this show has been out for quite awhile...the theatre was still fact, i had to sit in the front row :X hahaha...

overall i will give it a 4/5 stars just for the songs :)

(singing dancing queen as i typed this...*you are my dancing queen, young n sweet, only 17...dancing queen, feel the beat of the tambourine oh can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life, wooo, see that girl, watch that scene, diggin' the dancing queen...*)

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