Saturday, August 29, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Offsite - Port Dickson Part 3 (Ade's cam)

Do Re Mi Fa

Do Re Mi Fa Part 2
Do Re Mi Fa Part 3 (as long as i m at the side, it will almost always be lidat :X)
In front of the dessert table

Trying to act like it's a lazy afternoon~

B.O.R.E.D :P The rooms the bankers stay in are like those behind, on stilts...they can hear the waves splashing while dozing off...heee we went to uncle's room, quite a nice view...

My feet are buried by them...see the cheeky person behind me and the domineering foot on top of mine? hahahaa

Everyone gets their turn...the sand is quite cooling so we din mind having it on our feet in that hot weather~

We are so anti social...the whole table onli got 4 of us + uncle...haha
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Liverpool vs Singapore - 26th July 09
I am lazy to wait for ade's pig to send me the "processed" shall post Bao and YZ's one...:)
We reached the place at 4+ when we originally planned to reach at 3 -.- Ok...i admit i was a bit pissed that day cos ALL of them are so slow...from original 3pm, delay to 4, and when my dad went to fetch my fren, she was late and made us wait for 15 mins ...if i wait alone it's fine la but i dun like the fact that she made my dad wait as well...=.= All the delays caused us to reach the stadium abt 420...considered late in my opinion...lucky we are not at the kop stand, if not sure no good seats le...
Our side of the corner...praying hard that liverpool will be attacking the other end becos i believe torres will play in the second half...and it turned out that we are lucky...:) we were pretty lucky tt day, the side we were on happened to be where the liverpool players warmed up at..^.^
Then the crowd came..filling up...
LFC is in black, I like the new black away shirt...:)
Managed to capture Ade's pig's Greek fren~ not bad looking eh :P
Players in training...Got N'gog, Babel, Benayoun, Mascherano, Voronin, Lucas, Agger, Carragher (i forgot the reserve players who started...opps :X)
:P Starting!
Of cos the first half was nothing fantastic...players looked a bit lethargic...the goal came from no where by Voronin...everyone took a double take b4 cheering =.= hahaha....tyco is the word cos it was deflected...when players started to warm up in front of us, the game was abandoned...the players are more interesting...after that, ade's pig told me he doesn't like the fact tt ppl are more interested in the players than the game...BUT hello!!! how many times do liverpool actuallie come here and we get to see them so close?! and are u reallie interested in the scoreline of a frenly match...? Hmmmm~
Half time...Torres finally came some big shot sia...cos he's the LAST to come out...I wish Gerrard came...reallie wanna see both of them playing together :(
Second half got Torres, Alonso, Insua, Nemeth, Kuyt, Dossena, Riera, Spearing, Pachecho (i think)
Torres warming up in front of us...many ppl were calling his name but he totallie ignored..shy perhaps...? :\
Torres and Kuyt
most left is Torres but a bit blur :( that time, his move wasn't confirmed yet, i tot it was just normal rumours again so i was real pleased to see him that fact he was pretty frenly to the fans, responding with a smile and a wave...and u see banners asking him to stay...
but that was the last time i saw him in LFC shirt. I wish he wun be another Owen at Real Madrid...wishing him the best but i can't help feeling a little betrayed by him...
End le...2 goals by Nemeth (i like, hopefully he gets to try out in First Team), 1 from Voronin (aka fei wu among my frenz), 1 from Torres and 1 from Riera... I went with Bao, YZ, Ade, her pig and her pig's fren, true blue liverpool fans are her pig and i...BUT i dunno how come Ms Bao and Ms YZ are like 10x more excited than all of us when the players came and warmed up in front of us etc...quite amusing :) i am glad i got them to go with me and they enjoyed themselves~
Anilao Trip - Day 4 and 5
Last day of diving cos 24 hours b4 taking a plane flight, we cannot dive~
First dive of the day - Except for the depth, i dun rem much - 100ft close to 30m...anything beyond tt i am "supposedly" not allowed to go cos 30m is for advanced...I guess the onli thing that bothered me was the LARGE amt of sea cucumber on the's disgusting :X saw the usual suspects..sea urchins, stone fish, frog fish, lion fish...we did see sth tt i dunno is it a sea snake or a long pipe fish =X hahaha but looks more like a sea snake...
second dive is the highlight of the day...cos the undercurrent is unbelievably strong, we are being swept, if it's wind, i would describe it as being blown away...seriously u have to experience it to fully appreciate how scary and strong the current was...i can't even fin back ...just follow the current...drift diving is too mild..more like fly diving...the rate we are being swept, i can't see anything except corals....BUT we saw a turtle!!! woohoo...Hernel suddenly stopped us and signalled for us to hold on to the rocks...i dunno wad we are supposed to look at, just busied myself with looking for a safe rock to hold on to...then i look up again and in front, abt 3m away is a turtle!! wooooooo :) but at that point of time, i was more concerned w staying alive, i was hyperventilating...breathing very hard from fighting the current...and i am very worried for my safety :X then i saw ade's bc being entangled w another guy's BUT the thing is i can't rescue her...if i let go of the rock i will be swept away...she was basically dragged by the current together w that guy...after he managed to grab hold of a rock, she was floating in the "air" and the reason why she hasn't gotten swept away was becos her bc was still was reallie very helpless...looking on...luckily hernel realised it and helped them to we all hung on to different rocks and watched on for a couple of minutes...the turtle is quite big and quite cute ben ben de...hahahaa well at least ade got her wish, she smsed the turtle and it showed come i sms my shark but none turned up =.=
besides the turtle, i dun rem wad else i saw...cos the current totallie left me w no time to enjoy the dive...the tot tt flashed thr my head was "I AM NOT DIVING ANYMORE!" that's me - done with's reallie scary ok...there were moments i was so scared i am gonna die...diving is considered as a dangerous activity~ but once it was time for the next dive i still went =.= hahaha 善变的我...
Last 2 dives were back w Joy.. a little episode up on the boat, my fin strap broke! so the ingenious boatman somehow had the tools to tape it back and secured it enough for it to stay for the next 2 dives :D thank you mr boatman~vis was bad on the top, descended w the rope again in case we get lost~
3rd dive at Twin Rocks was fun cos we got to feed the fishes~ there were reallie a lot of fishes there..and when they see food, they dun care who u are, they just crowd ard u, u wanna touch them, hold them also ok but the minute the food is finished, bye bye, totallie's also where we saw the sch of jacks..they started to surround us, being in the centre is quite a view...everywhere u turn u see fishes :) we also saw an octopus, i think it was annoyed tt we saw thr its disguise and when it hid in the hole, it tugged on Joy's pointer until the string broke! strong lil fella...we also saw VERY BIG bat fish...i m not kidding, it's like half of me at least -.- incredibly mutated fishes...cos too big...hahahaa
last dive was pretty it was our 4th dive alr, we can't go too deep or dive too long, so we just went Arthur's rock where there was a coral garden....i feel like i am at Nemo's house...there are many clown fishes there...reallie like the coral reef we saw on Finding Nemo...:) beautiful~
we had some difficulties getting up the boat cos the waves are huge! i hung on to the ladder for dear life as i tried to remove my gears...phew~ that marks the end of our diving adventures...
ade had her massage while ash and i stayed downstairs to chit chat a little w roger and andrea plus look thr the photos :)
since we dun have to wake up early for dives, we slpt pretty late that day...that's the night ade discovered we had a cockroach in the room!!! but luckily alr the last night at least we din have to slp in the room knowing that it's inside...but poor ade had to endure the night thinking it might crawl up anytime...haha...
Day 5 was mainly slacking day...
can wake up late, eat as much as i wan, drink coffee etc...
afternoon, we left the resort and made our way to the city...i din take any photos cos no one seemed interested so there's no physical evidence that i have been to manila...haha...and the things in the city is not cheap lor...
shortly after dinner, i started feeling a pukish feeling...and throughout the whole time, just kept burping :( finally on the plane, i puked...i hate the puking feeling, i rather just stomach upset...but after puking i feel better just tt when i reached home, the feeling came back again so i din get to rest well...kept waking up w the feeling of puking...luckily the next day is a public holiday, so i went to see doc and the whole day i onli ate 1 small bowl of porridge + half a pear...hee...but by Tues afternoon i alr more or less recovered liaoz.. so much for stomach flu = can lose weight...hahaha
First dive of the day - Except for the depth, i dun rem much - 100ft close to 30m...anything beyond tt i am "supposedly" not allowed to go cos 30m is for advanced...I guess the onli thing that bothered me was the LARGE amt of sea cucumber on the's disgusting :X saw the usual suspects..sea urchins, stone fish, frog fish, lion fish...we did see sth tt i dunno is it a sea snake or a long pipe fish =X hahaha but looks more like a sea snake...
second dive is the highlight of the day...cos the undercurrent is unbelievably strong, we are being swept, if it's wind, i would describe it as being blown away...seriously u have to experience it to fully appreciate how scary and strong the current was...i can't even fin back ...just follow the current...drift diving is too mild..more like fly diving...the rate we are being swept, i can't see anything except corals....BUT we saw a turtle!!! woohoo...Hernel suddenly stopped us and signalled for us to hold on to the rocks...i dunno wad we are supposed to look at, just busied myself with looking for a safe rock to hold on to...then i look up again and in front, abt 3m away is a turtle!! wooooooo :) but at that point of time, i was more concerned w staying alive, i was hyperventilating...breathing very hard from fighting the current...and i am very worried for my safety :X then i saw ade's bc being entangled w another guy's BUT the thing is i can't rescue her...if i let go of the rock i will be swept away...she was basically dragged by the current together w that guy...after he managed to grab hold of a rock, she was floating in the "air" and the reason why she hasn't gotten swept away was becos her bc was still was reallie very helpless...looking on...luckily hernel realised it and helped them to we all hung on to different rocks and watched on for a couple of minutes...the turtle is quite big and quite cute ben ben de...hahahaa well at least ade got her wish, she smsed the turtle and it showed come i sms my shark but none turned up =.=
besides the turtle, i dun rem wad else i saw...cos the current totallie left me w no time to enjoy the dive...the tot tt flashed thr my head was "I AM NOT DIVING ANYMORE!" that's me - done with's reallie scary ok...there were moments i was so scared i am gonna die...diving is considered as a dangerous activity~ but once it was time for the next dive i still went =.= hahaha 善变的我...
Last 2 dives were back w Joy.. a little episode up on the boat, my fin strap broke! so the ingenious boatman somehow had the tools to tape it back and secured it enough for it to stay for the next 2 dives :D thank you mr boatman~vis was bad on the top, descended w the rope again in case we get lost~
3rd dive at Twin Rocks was fun cos we got to feed the fishes~ there were reallie a lot of fishes there..and when they see food, they dun care who u are, they just crowd ard u, u wanna touch them, hold them also ok but the minute the food is finished, bye bye, totallie's also where we saw the sch of jacks..they started to surround us, being in the centre is quite a view...everywhere u turn u see fishes :) we also saw an octopus, i think it was annoyed tt we saw thr its disguise and when it hid in the hole, it tugged on Joy's pointer until the string broke! strong lil fella...we also saw VERY BIG bat fish...i m not kidding, it's like half of me at least -.- incredibly mutated fishes...cos too big...hahahaa
last dive was pretty it was our 4th dive alr, we can't go too deep or dive too long, so we just went Arthur's rock where there was a coral garden....i feel like i am at Nemo's house...there are many clown fishes there...reallie like the coral reef we saw on Finding Nemo...:) beautiful~
we had some difficulties getting up the boat cos the waves are huge! i hung on to the ladder for dear life as i tried to remove my gears...phew~ that marks the end of our diving adventures...
ade had her massage while ash and i stayed downstairs to chit chat a little w roger and andrea plus look thr the photos :)
since we dun have to wake up early for dives, we slpt pretty late that day...that's the night ade discovered we had a cockroach in the room!!! but luckily alr the last night at least we din have to slp in the room knowing that it's inside...but poor ade had to endure the night thinking it might crawl up anytime...haha...
Day 5 was mainly slacking day...
can wake up late, eat as much as i wan, drink coffee etc...
afternoon, we left the resort and made our way to the city...i din take any photos cos no one seemed interested so there's no physical evidence that i have been to manila...haha...and the things in the city is not cheap lor...
shortly after dinner, i started feeling a pukish feeling...and throughout the whole time, just kept burping :( finally on the plane, i puked...i hate the puking feeling, i rather just stomach upset...but after puking i feel better just tt when i reached home, the feeling came back again so i din get to rest well...kept waking up w the feeling of puking...luckily the next day is a public holiday, so i went to see doc and the whole day i onli ate 1 small bowl of porridge + half a pear...hee...but by Tues afternoon i alr more or less recovered liaoz.. so much for stomach flu = can lose weight...hahaha
Anilao Trip - Day 3
Today's surface is still choppy, we can hear the big splashing sound against the rocks from the place we eat...scary...
As usual, our daily dosage of acupuncture from the splashing of sea water when we are on the boat...wah =.= cmi...i hang on to my dear life...again! Joy said, if i remove my hands from the edge of the boat, u can see the dents from the fingers...hahahhaa...
Went back to Kirby's Rock...actuallie i like there, always have many interesting things to see...we saw a BIG violet frog fish there...and it was baring its teeth at us cos i think TOO many of us staring at it...hahahhaa...i spotted the dragon moray eel so i was quite happy w that..that's the one tt's super hostile and poised to bite if we go any nearer...haahaa
half way through, we saw the other grp of guys tt came a day after us, one of them lost one of his fins!! it was quite funny...i dunno how he actuallie lost it and it's not found on the seabed...apparently it floated up...dunno how...but it was a comical sight seeing someone finning w 1 fin and the other foot kicking...kekeke...
OH...this dive was the first time i reallie reallie see a trigger fish~ BUT apparently the trigger fishes in philippines dun attack fact, the way the dorsal fins move, it's quite pretty~
Next dive site was at Bethlehem
Over protective clown fishes..they attacked Joy cos she was too near...BUT when ade and i kneeled down next to her, they din attack us...strange lil creatures...and Joy was very funni, she was shooing them back to their house but of cos they ignored her...hehehe...kawaii~ i was a little clumsy and cos the seabed is very sandy, my finning caused the sand to fly up -.- tsk tsk but sandy seabed got more things to covered itself w sand and lies flat on the seabed :), then got garden eels that shrink back into the seabed when we approach but comes back out when we leave -.- we saw a cow's quite cute cos it has horns :P
due to the strong waves, the boat docked further away from the resort and we had to walk back...reallie very scary, i hold on to the railings like scared i will be swept into the sea...there were a few close encounters though...scary!!
afternoon dive is very near the resort, at Jeepney...but the sea is super duper choppy and the first 4 m visibility is like ZERO!! i popped my head in the water and was like...see wad?!?! i was very scared actuallie...first time i am diving in poor vis water...but ok lah, as we go down w the buoy rope, it started to clear a little...but still...very scary...somemore this dive was w Hernel...maybe i got used to Joy...i dun feel as safe w Hernel...just a psychological thing...
We saw the jeepney wreck, tyres etc...and a super duper uber LARGE sea cucumber, it makes me wonder if i am seeing's so freaking fat and long!! it's like a miniature sea monster =.= we saw an orange pipe fish, puffer fish, stone fish etc...took photo at the statue of mother mary BUT i dunno how is he gonna send us the photo =.= sigh sigh...
when we were nearer to the surface, we were swaying from side to side due to the surge...i can't swim straight...haha..
that night we stayed up chit chatting, finally no more slping at 9+ :) haa...ash asked me when was the last time i slpt at 9+ b4 this trip...the ans? the dayang trip! dayang was reallie tiring...
As usual, our daily dosage of acupuncture from the splashing of sea water when we are on the boat...wah =.= cmi...i hang on to my dear life...again! Joy said, if i remove my hands from the edge of the boat, u can see the dents from the fingers...hahahhaa...
Went back to Kirby's Rock...actuallie i like there, always have many interesting things to see...we saw a BIG violet frog fish there...and it was baring its teeth at us cos i think TOO many of us staring at it...hahahhaa...i spotted the dragon moray eel so i was quite happy w that..that's the one tt's super hostile and poised to bite if we go any nearer...haahaa
half way through, we saw the other grp of guys tt came a day after us, one of them lost one of his fins!! it was quite funny...i dunno how he actuallie lost it and it's not found on the seabed...apparently it floated up...dunno how...but it was a comical sight seeing someone finning w 1 fin and the other foot kicking...kekeke...
OH...this dive was the first time i reallie reallie see a trigger fish~ BUT apparently the trigger fishes in philippines dun attack fact, the way the dorsal fins move, it's quite pretty~
Next dive site was at Bethlehem
Over protective clown fishes..they attacked Joy cos she was too near...BUT when ade and i kneeled down next to her, they din attack us...strange lil creatures...and Joy was very funni, she was shooing them back to their house but of cos they ignored her...hehehe...kawaii~ i was a little clumsy and cos the seabed is very sandy, my finning caused the sand to fly up -.- tsk tsk but sandy seabed got more things to covered itself w sand and lies flat on the seabed :), then got garden eels that shrink back into the seabed when we approach but comes back out when we leave -.- we saw a cow's quite cute cos it has horns :P
due to the strong waves, the boat docked further away from the resort and we had to walk back...reallie very scary, i hold on to the railings like scared i will be swept into the sea...there were a few close encounters though...scary!!
afternoon dive is very near the resort, at Jeepney...but the sea is super duper choppy and the first 4 m visibility is like ZERO!! i popped my head in the water and was like...see wad?!?! i was very scared actuallie...first time i am diving in poor vis water...but ok lah, as we go down w the buoy rope, it started to clear a little...but still...very scary...somemore this dive was w Hernel...maybe i got used to Joy...i dun feel as safe w Hernel...just a psychological thing...
We saw the jeepney wreck, tyres etc...and a super duper uber LARGE sea cucumber, it makes me wonder if i am seeing's so freaking fat and long!! it's like a miniature sea monster =.= we saw an orange pipe fish, puffer fish, stone fish etc...took photo at the statue of mother mary BUT i dunno how is he gonna send us the photo =.= sigh sigh...
when we were nearer to the surface, we were swaying from side to side due to the surge...i can't swim straight...haha..
that night we stayed up chit chatting, finally no more slping at 9+ :) haa...ash asked me when was the last time i slpt at 9+ b4 this trip...the ans? the dayang trip! dayang was reallie tiring...
Friday, August 14, 2009
Anilao Trip - Day 2
Didn't slp very well, kept waking up every hour or so...
when it was time to wake predicted, ash was the first to get up...hahhaa ...ade and i continued to 赖床...
very soon we had to battle the waves and get on the boat again...start of our day (like fishermen lidat)...go out to the Daryl Laut, a hotel tt collapsed in the late 70s...
was supposed to swim over the structure etc...was a bit concerned w my buoyancy so i stayed very close to Joy and tried to keep away from the frame works in case i cannot control and crash into them...
Saw a small baby frog fish + a bigger one...both trying to stay camouflaged but Joy spotted them and the small one being inexperienced, got spooked by us and tried to swim away while the bigger one is more zai and continued to stay still as though it's part of the coral...hehe...very cute scene...
We saw a sch of STAGNANT bat fishes...with the leader swimming alone...quite an amazing scene o.o maybe i mountain turtle...i nv see stationary fishes b4...keke..
There were a couple of trumpet fish...very weird looking fish..nice :) also saw a big fat clam...opening n closing the mouth =.=
Saw big fat mantis shrimp for the first time...but cos of the pincers, i dun dare to go too near...and b4 i know it, it zoomed into the hole liao..haha
Joy showed us a big long sea cucumber, it's quite disgusting actuallie...grossified =\
just b4 we ascended, the pros were crowding ard the big patch of sea urchins ...apparently they were looking for mandarin fish~ but i din know at that time and b4 i knew it i was slowly floating up...then i spotted an unsuspecting mantis shrimp so i signalled ash to come and take BUT she saw the nudi near the shrimp instead and took photos of the nudi...i was like...-.-" and cos i was floating up, i decided not to go lower to point to her where the shrimp was...haha...lazy~
Due to the history of Philippines (ruled by the Spanish for 350yrs), there are quite a lot of names of places in Spanish, some of the natives can speak a little spanish too..the next dive site we went was called tres cuevas (3 caves)...Current was strong that day...i was swept to the right all the time and i kept banging into Joy...i dunno how she managed to stop herself or slow herself down...i am totallie not in control of my body...just letting the current sweep me =.= I had to fin back and hold on to rock (double checked to make sure it's not a stone fish in disguise) to look at the small crab and shrimps in the anemone / corals...Clown fishes are as territorial as ever...frowning at us as we swim pass their houses...keke...
After the 2nd dive, i had a headache and decided to skip the 3rd's when they saw a black tip shark!!! ahhhhhh! wasted! :( ade stayed w me cos she twisted her ankle when she jumped off the boat...when i jumped off the boat, i scraped my back against it -.- injury #183 i think =.= so injury prone...zzz...
Both of us slpt till they came back from the 3rd dive i.e. we slpt for close to 4 hours!!! so as expected, i totallie cannot get to slp in the night while ade snored happily beside li hai~
the mango shake at the resort is nice, for someone who doesn't reallie like mango, i liked the drink but nothing beats coke :P but i onli drink coke at dinner cos i dun wanna keep burping into my regulator...hahaha..even without the coke, i alr burped very frequently into the reg le :X
after a bad night of slp, i was a little zombified the next day...but more ppl came, it was no longer just the 5 of the dining table got more n more ppl liaoz...just tt we din mingle...still stuck to the ade and ash...zzz
when it was time to wake predicted, ash was the first to get up...hahhaa ...ade and i continued to 赖床...
very soon we had to battle the waves and get on the boat again...start of our day (like fishermen lidat)...go out to the Daryl Laut, a hotel tt collapsed in the late 70s...
was supposed to swim over the structure etc...was a bit concerned w my buoyancy so i stayed very close to Joy and tried to keep away from the frame works in case i cannot control and crash into them...
Saw a small baby frog fish + a bigger one...both trying to stay camouflaged but Joy spotted them and the small one being inexperienced, got spooked by us and tried to swim away while the bigger one is more zai and continued to stay still as though it's part of the coral...hehe...very cute scene...
We saw a sch of STAGNANT bat fishes...with the leader swimming alone...quite an amazing scene o.o maybe i mountain turtle...i nv see stationary fishes b4...keke..
There were a couple of trumpet fish...very weird looking fish..nice :) also saw a big fat clam...opening n closing the mouth =.=
Saw big fat mantis shrimp for the first time...but cos of the pincers, i dun dare to go too near...and b4 i know it, it zoomed into the hole liao..haha
Joy showed us a big long sea cucumber, it's quite disgusting actuallie...grossified =\
just b4 we ascended, the pros were crowding ard the big patch of sea urchins ...apparently they were looking for mandarin fish~ but i din know at that time and b4 i knew it i was slowly floating up...then i spotted an unsuspecting mantis shrimp so i signalled ash to come and take BUT she saw the nudi near the shrimp instead and took photos of the nudi...i was like...-.-" and cos i was floating up, i decided not to go lower to point to her where the shrimp was...haha...lazy~
Due to the history of Philippines (ruled by the Spanish for 350yrs), there are quite a lot of names of places in Spanish, some of the natives can speak a little spanish too..the next dive site we went was called tres cuevas (3 caves)...Current was strong that day...i was swept to the right all the time and i kept banging into Joy...i dunno how she managed to stop herself or slow herself down...i am totallie not in control of my body...just letting the current sweep me =.= I had to fin back and hold on to rock (double checked to make sure it's not a stone fish in disguise) to look at the small crab and shrimps in the anemone / corals...Clown fishes are as territorial as ever...frowning at us as we swim pass their houses...keke...
After the 2nd dive, i had a headache and decided to skip the 3rd's when they saw a black tip shark!!! ahhhhhh! wasted! :( ade stayed w me cos she twisted her ankle when she jumped off the boat...when i jumped off the boat, i scraped my back against it -.- injury #183 i think =.= so injury prone...zzz...
Both of us slpt till they came back from the 3rd dive i.e. we slpt for close to 4 hours!!! so as expected, i totallie cannot get to slp in the night while ade snored happily beside li hai~
the mango shake at the resort is nice, for someone who doesn't reallie like mango, i liked the drink but nothing beats coke :P but i onli drink coke at dinner cos i dun wanna keep burping into my regulator...hahaha..even without the coke, i alr burped very frequently into the reg le :X
after a bad night of slp, i was a little zombified the next day...but more ppl came, it was no longer just the 5 of the dining table got more n more ppl liaoz...just tt we din mingle...still stuck to the ade and ash...zzz
Photos - courtesy of Ash

I THINK it's a puffer fish...might be a box fish for all i know :X

Lion Fish - one of my fave fish

Sch of's reallie quite amazing seeing SOOOOO many fishes...

MORE fishes

Sch of catfish feeding on the seabed :P

Moray eel...looks fierce hor...the one i saw, nv even go near, it alr stretched outwards and look poised to bite..haha

Another moray..

Frog fish at Kirby's the water, we dun see the red so clearly...cos at that depth, some of the colour "disappears" Frog fish is quite an interesting fish, u dun see clear fins, the fins look more like webbed feet...and they "walk" on the wall rather than swim...

Baby frog fish...:) i dunno why all the fishes like to frown...kekeke

Mantis shrimp, the one i saw was even bigger than this...hahaa

Blue ribbon eel :) [very well taken photo by ash]
Cow fish...apparently not very commonly seen :)
Nemo nemo and more nemos...all fierce and overly protective little irks =.= but i still love them :P

Me checking my depth + air gauge...heee

Daryl Laut - a collapsed day was very clear so we can see almost the WHOLE collapsed structure...
Jeepney wreck...
Statue of Mother Mary (i think)Me and Ade...looks like we were descending...or maybe we were just floating ard doing our safety stop...wahaha's me behind~ of the many ...very colourful creatures...
flat worm~
Bat fish~ we saw reallie huge ones....

Hermit of the many harrassed by us during our surface one poor crab, kena dropped by roger for like 5-7 times?! i think it must have suffered brain concussion, if not at least a puking sensation due to the sudden falls..poor fella...hahaa

The 2nd from the right is my DM :) i like her...cos she will look after me...heeee
suiting's quite tiring suiting up...cos the wet suit when dry is very hard to pull up, plus my suit has zips, so i had to stuff the bulky sleeves in the gloves...zzz :(
Basically i m just lazy to narrate my post photos first...:P
Disclaimer: photos are not mine...pls do not copy n use somewhere else~ thanks!
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