Airport + Day 1: Travelled to Manila with Ash, Ade & two new frenz, Andrea and Roger. Flight was at 12.40am and duration abt 3.5 hours...:P
As usual, i was a bit skeptical that we are taking a budget airline (Cebu Pacific) but the tix were reallie cheap, SGD175~ and it's the first time i am at the budget terminal...Hmmm...everything very budget lor...:P but the plane looks newer than the air asia one that i took to bkk a few yrs not too bad..ash moved to an empty seat and got the whole row to lie down on (lucky!) while ade and i tried all means to make ourselves more comfy...i think i did manage to slp for an hour +... reached Manila Airport - lost track of time from that point on...cos no watch and nv check phone...
The custom officer asked ash and ade wad they are in philippines for, after he knew that they are there for diving, he started talking abt have to be careful of sharks...O_O haha...met our DMs who are dive operators (also instructors too) - Joy and Hernel...woohoo and ade and i concussed in the back seats (w my seat belt on of cos :P) it was drizzling while we were in the car and ash was the onli one who was awake enough to talk to Joy...the way Joy drives is quite scary actuallie but i was too tired to care...zzz...By the time we reached the resort, it was abt 7am...i could hear the waves splashing against the looked gloomy... the typhoon was still in philippines when we reached...
after my pancake breakfast, they decided that we shld slp in and skip the morning dive (HOORAY!)...our rm was the onli triple sharing...3 beds!! great! i was so scared it would be a double bed + 1 single the time we woke up, it was noon time and we went for lunch (the start of our piggish life, eat, dive, eat, dive, eat, slp)
As usual, i was a bit skeptical that we are taking a budget airline (Cebu Pacific) but the tix were reallie cheap, SGD175~ and it's the first time i am at the budget terminal...Hmmm...everything very budget lor...:P but the plane looks newer than the air asia one that i took to bkk a few yrs not too bad..ash moved to an empty seat and got the whole row to lie down on (lucky!) while ade and i tried all means to make ourselves more comfy...i think i did manage to slp for an hour +... reached Manila Airport - lost track of time from that point on...cos no watch and nv check phone...
The custom officer asked ash and ade wad they are in philippines for, after he knew that they are there for diving, he started talking abt have to be careful of sharks...O_O haha...met our DMs who are dive operators (also instructors too) - Joy and Hernel...woohoo and ade and i concussed in the back seats (w my seat belt on of cos :P) it was drizzling while we were in the car and ash was the onli one who was awake enough to talk to Joy...the way Joy drives is quite scary actuallie but i was too tired to care...zzz...By the time we reached the resort, it was abt 7am...i could hear the waves splashing against the looked gloomy... the typhoon was still in philippines when we reached...
after my pancake breakfast, they decided that we shld slp in and skip the morning dive (HOORAY!)...our rm was the onli triple sharing...3 beds!! great! i was so scared it would be a double bed + 1 single the time we woke up, it was noon time and we went for lunch (the start of our piggish life, eat, dive, eat, dive, eat, slp)

My bed + Ade's bed...
Ash's one is facing me :)
The lunch was alright...not exactly very appetising but still managed to eat enough to not feel hungry...then we chged and tried our gears etc..finding a right size for me is a bit hard...either the wet suit was too big, right size but too long, right length but too small...=.= finally found 1 tt's the right comes the drama...cos the weather wasn't very good, the boat can't dock near our resort or at the shore, we had to walk a little and we had to swim a little to the boat -.- the distance from the shore to the boat differs according to the waves..when the waves come, it looks scary!! being the slow turtle i was, i was the last one to go on i walked (held on to the rope) a big wave came and devoured me so toppled down like bowling pin -.- not exaggerating...damn 狼狈..first tot was lucky i had gloves on, if not my hand will have rope burn...zzz...finally half crawled, half swam to the boat...and knocked my knee..(1st blue black)
On the way out was like taking 10,001 rollercoaster rides...-.- the waves were unbelieveably huge, so i always get the feeling i am sitting the ride at har paw villa...=.= and i had to cling on to ade for my dear life, i was so scared i will get flung out cos i am light...=\ this whole diving trip is the onli time i wished i had bigger body mass...haha...and it's also after going there that i fully appreciate the terror of tsunami...cos huge waves are reallie capable of sweeping everything in its path + carry objects back into the sea...very scary!
@ Kirby's Rock - First dive was quite ok...i was less scared when i descended...There were currents at some points and i had to control my buoyancy like hell, banging into corals, wall, ade :P...finning hard!! Clumsiness~ The dive site is like a wall, so we are facing it and swimming sideways...Deepest we went was abt 60+ ft...saw quite a lot of things...the one i love the most is the tiny puffy fish Joy grabbed in her hands..SO CUTE! my onli regret is i dun have a camera to take down the things i saw~ sigh sigh, when i can control my buoyancy better then say bah...
Creatures saw - Lion fish, puffer fish, moray eel (fierce!), Nudibranches (like sea slug looking things), stone fish (super camouflaged), yellow sea cucumber, NEMOS :D, feather star corals...
First dive was 57 mins long :)
surface interval was supposed to be abt 40 mins so we dock at a nearby plc and went down to rest...ash said i looked well rested i.e. not dead like at dayang...^.^v
Dive 2 was at Caban Cove...errr honestly i dun rem much from this dive...similar to the first other than the big fat mantis shrimp we saw~ wah the shrimp is reallie like mini lobster! this dive had more fishes swimming ard though just tt they are identified as fish a fish b fish c...ahah...also saw 1 whole patch of sea urchins...i was so scared i will land on them! the spikes are REALLY 30 cm long?! scary~
This trip made me realise my air consumption is quite high leh...most prob due to the depth + a bit nervous bah...
After that was back to resort and the same treacherous route back ...strong waves...zzz...
night time ade and i concussed real 8 plus she was telling me she wanna go back to the room to zzz but i tot we shldn't be too anti social but by 9+, i can barely tahan myself...when our heads hit the pillows, it was off to zzz-land in like 3 seconds O.o heee
tired day~
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