Day 4 - the day i was unwell!!! :(
Just to show how small/cram the room was...hardly any walking space!
We were quite early so we went out to take photo - just to show that we are at Yong Pyong Resort...hahahaa

Went to the eatery opp the ski resort for breakfast...apparently the theme is Winter Sonata (as u can see from the advert photo outside the shop) i was never a fan of this show...too much crying and tragedy for me to take :X and plus the fact that i reallieeeeeeeeeeeee dunno what ppl like abt bae yong joon :\
The many notes left by tourists from all over the world..i noticed a lot of notes in Jap though~ guess this show is reallie popular in Japan~
The replica of some set in the show (i reallie dunno but supposedly quite well known :P)
Shortly after breakfast, we head off to the Home of Empress MyeongSeong - something i did not visit 8 yrs ago...
Shortly after breakfast, we head off to the Home of Empress MyeongSeong - something i did not visit 8 yrs ago...
The Queen really stayed here when she was young...of cos they did some repairs etc but the location/structure stayed the same...
According to Mr Tour Guide, this is the place where they burn the wood and the heat will be conducted through the channels beneath the floor...that's how the heater in the olden days was like~
Somewhere outside the exhibition hall...
I looked like a Ba Zhang -.-
Outside the exhibition hall - they did not allow any photo/video to be taken inside~being the guai kias we are, we obeyed~
On our way to the place to see the traditional wedding ceremony :P
Our footprints :P
After much persuasion, the only married couple on our tour agreed to act out the ceremony :)
We tried our hands on some of the traditional games played~basically just get the "arrow" in the pot and the "ring" in the pole :P and i can say i officially suck at it -.- seriously. ZERO point.

That's when Ms Tan decided she wants to challenge the tour guide...and mr confident still say not nice to win her -.- blah blah blah...
That's when Ms Tan decided she wants to challenge the tour guide...and mr confident still say not nice to win her -.- blah blah blah...
Winner~ *clap clap*

Then he demonstrated to us how this big basket was used. apparently the women place their children in it to carry them ard...
We also got to cook our own ddokboki~ i reallie like the idea of spicy rice cake but when i actually eat's not very yummy...just like eating spicy dough/flour =.=

The ingredients - dduk, fishcakes, carrots, spring onions, chili paste, honey, some pepper and garlic (i think..can't rem alr)

The ingredients - dduk, fishcakes, carrots, spring onions, chili paste, honey, some pepper and garlic (i think..can't rem alr)
First up are the rice cakes and fish cakes after the chili paste has been mixed in the water...(the man in black is actually mr driver, i think he can't stand seeing us putting the ingredients in so slowly...actually it's cos we wanna take photos :X hahaha)
Then the veg~
The pepper and minced garlic
The honey
So our meal consists of bibimbap, ddukboki, seaweed soup and the usual side dish kimchi
Actually we all took pretty little so it kinda look pathetic in the big bowl haha
Half eaten - still no i did not finish my food once again -.-

The rice wine they got us to's actually pretty strong leh...and among the 3 of us, i am usually the one who dun mind drinking...but that day ms tan finished her drink whereas i onli took TWO sips...haha both of them liked it but it was a little sweet to me and just tasted like sweet alcoholic syrup...dun reallie know how to describe it...but i dun like it :\
After that we had to set off to Gimpo airport to take the domestic flight to Jeju...throughout the bus journey, i didn't slp and was playing games on my iphone...and after sometime...actually was when we arrived in Seoul and i started feeling seriously bad...and i couldn't do tour guide was happily introducing seoul and hangang river to us and all i could do was pull my turtle neck down and close my eyes...i think that was the closest i felt like was like any moment kinda thing...i think partly cos the air was quite still in the coach too...sigh sigh...scary :\ but even then, i still listened to what he said...APPARENTLY they are prohibited from swimming in hangang, and one day a taxi driver saw a head bobbing up and down in the river...upon closer inspection, the guy was wearing goggles and turned out to be a spy from north korea...and thennnnn cos he reported it, he was awarded a HUGE sum of money! haha...he also told us abt how the north koreans got into the world cup and how they will suffer if they did not make it into the round of 16 etc...haha...the way he described it...sounds as if they are still in those qing dynasty in China...hahaa
Anw...I did feel slightly better after breathing some fresh air but i still didn't feel very good and we had to wait for the time to board the we had quite some time to kill...actually i do feel bad that i wasn't feeling sorta spoilt the mood for the other 2 :( eventually i decided that i wanna go sit in the toilet and get ready to puke any moment while the other 2 go starbucks and get some things to eat... in the end i reallie sat in the toilet for quite some time but didn't manage to puke...
Yup all the while i was just pulling at the turtle neck...i hate the feeling that something is strangling me...

I seriously do not look sick did i even manage to smile O.o
Sat at the outdoor starbucks...i must say the weather that day was quite wasn't thattttttttt sitting outside was pretty tour guide was sitting outdoors and scribbling notes and listening to music awhile b4 we got there...he happened to leave when i was making my way to find the other 2~ seriously, if i didn't know better, i would just think that he is a uni student relaxing at starbucks...hahaha looks so youngggggggg
Bao insisted that she took this from way up...(there's another photo where she stood higher but reallie made us look funny so post this photo instead :P)

Using the iphone reverse camera...quality reallie not very good ah...
So during my flight, all i could think of was "FALL ASLP" haha and in the end i reallie did...i woke up a few times sensing my mouth was wide open =.= so no image...luckily i sat by the window...fellow tour mates can't see me...and all the time i had the puke bag ready...just in case i suddenly wun be the first time that i threw up in a plane anywayz...arghhh i reallie hate the puking feeling :'(
Once we reached Jeju...stomach seemed to have settled a bit better...i seriously suspect it's the coffee i had in the morning...:( reminder to myself: abstain from coffee .......
So anw we reached Jeju and mr tour guide is very anxious to get his was standing next to us and can tell from his look that he wants to get his luggage first so that we do not have to wait for him funny~
first stop was to go see the mysterious road...where the vehicles can move "uphill" when the engine is turned off...hahaaha...but seriously i think it's due to some parallax error that gives the false impression that it's going uphill...hahaha...and jeju is seriously not as cold as seoul...happified :)
Exotic seafood - which on normal days i might give it a miss too...not very adventurous when it comes to food...(in fact i am not an adventurous person)
The tempura was probably one of the few things i ate that day...and the tour guide tot i din like seafood...until now he still doesn't know it's cos i wasn't feeling well hahaha...

Then off to watch Nanta!! Omo! this is reallieeeeeeeeeeeeee good!! :D very impressed sia...although i can't recall the details to blog abt anymore but i rem when i watched it i enjoyed it A LOT A LOT...and they didn't even need to worries on the language barrier at all~ their expressions and actions are so clear, u know what they are trying to funny! had a really good laugh that day :)

Our Jeju hotel was probably the BEST of the whole trip~We stayed at the Ramada Jeju Hotel...the bathroom was reallie spacious and they had 2 sinks etc...niceeeeee...but in our hurry we forgot to take a clear photo of the room itself...we onli took the bathroom -.-"
That night, the tour guide showed us once again how "careless" he was...he just left his luggage in the middle of the lobby with NO ONE to look after for him while he went to settle somethings...and after that, he left his room half was very funny lah...i guess they are reallie trusting ppl :P hee
anw that night we mentioned that we wanna get some snacks/drinks so he said to meet him at the lobby and he will bring us to go get some...but actually he and the driver had something to buy in mind alr...and can i say koreans walk dam fast -.- seriously lor...and not like he has very long legs or wad...they reallie walked very fast and i TOT i saw him smoking lah but the other 2 said they din see...not that it's any of our business...but at that moment...the impression just automatically went from like 80 down to 50 the end we followed them to the e-mart but realised that they are closing soon and it was so big (like carrefour kind of supermarket that sells all sorts of things) so we didn't wanna waste time searching for the the end we told him we will go get our things ourselves since they were also in a rush to get wadever they were looking for before the mart closes...shesh~
in the end, spent the night eating the instant noodles we bot! and can i say that might be one of the MOST satisfying meal i had in Korea?! hahahaa instant noodles -.- tell me abt ya...cos i actually managed to finish like 3/4 of the noodles when i was supposed to share half half w them :p hahahaha~ hooray to some food in my stomach! i actually enjoyed eating the noodles and watching the unsubbed Strong Heart and Running Man on tv~ lol