Ski Day!
Woke up w a not very good feeling in my stomach...breakfast time - i got nauseous from looking at the food...not that they are not nice...i think i am just not in the mood for food :\
We set off to our next hotel and to rent our ski outfit~I honestly dun rem much during the journey to the next hotel..prob the tour guide said more "boring" stuffs on the history etc that put the 5 ppl in the back to slp immediately..hahaha
Once we reached the rental shop, the guy picked out a pink top for me my heart i was thinking HOW did he know i like pink?! :D heee...and paired it w a veryyyyyyyyyy baggy pants ~ we had to rent the googles ourselves cos mr tour guide said that if u stared at the snow for too long, u will have snow blindness...sooooooo shld get the goggles to protect our eyes but actually last time when we went 8 yrs ago, we didn't get the goggles lah :p haa
The ski outfit is surprisingly warm~ cos i dun feel cold other than my face and hands :) Anw we went to take the gondola first...seriously i dunno why is it called gondola? isn't it the boat that they use in Venice? nvm, so we were queuing up to get on the gondola but mr tour guide didn't tell us how it's gonna be like? all fit into 1? separate out or wad? cos he has the tickets and our queue was moving faster than his =.= hahaha seriously, all these is only forgiven becos he is cute, if he isn't...pls be prepared to receive a detailed feedback form...:X haa
anw in the end, we ended up in 1 w the couple and baoyun plus 2 kids~ so funny...the ride prob took us abt 20 mins to reach the on our way up, we can see the different ski course and the diff pros skiing...seriously they looked so cool lah~
Lee Seung Gi on the big billboard :P

Finally reached the top and it's VERY COLD! seriously! my face literally hurts from the cold wind :X
Finally reached the top and it's VERY COLD! seriously! my face literally hurts from the cold wind :X
So we came up basically to see the scenery ...but actually also not like super nice lah :P haha

With our tour guide :P

Grabbing some snow balls hahaa we wanted to make a snowman but the snow on the floor is too soft...can't get them to stick =.=

Grabbing some snow balls hahaa we wanted to make a snowman but the snow on the floor is too soft...can't get them to stick =.=
Something similar to the dinner last night but there's a soup w 明太鱼 but also not to my liking :'(
survived on like another 1/4 of the rice and some kimchi and soup :(
Next up is off to get our ski boots and gears :D
the boots and gears are SERIOUSLY heavy -.- i think i have exercised quite a bit that day...from carrying "weights" and the skiing itself hahaha
Anw we went to the ski field and we had KBS filming our lesson... the instructor is like super unfrenly -.- dots...and he's like super impatient with us =.= wad did he expect from first timers?! we are not like ski genius lor...haha
anw all i learnt from him is walk sideways like a crab, brake by making an A...i never tried out the falling i escaped from it cosssssssssss KBS interviewed me~ errrr actually now i also dun really rem wad happened...but basically was approached for an interview to ask abt the experience of skiing in korea...seriously i talked crap -.- arghhhh...i shudder at the tot of watching myself on the tv :X
So anw, we were left to "play" on our own and i must say bao and i got the hang of it pretty well *sparkles* hahaaha just that it's really tiring to "climb" up the hill...cos we had to walk sideways? next thing u know, we were just repeating the action of climbing, skiing down, braking~ and i think i very kia si, before i had any chance of falling, i always brake first~ but i conclude that skiing is fun! :D
Yz had the luxury of a personal coach! the bus driver decided that he wants to make sure she learns how to ski properly and repeatedly picked her up when she falls etc...hahaha that's probably the first day he really seemed more involved in our activities hahaa...
1 photo after our "vigorous" exercise
After that it's off to the peak island for the indoor water theme park...:)
Yz can't play so bao and i went instead...only 2 of us decided to go for the jimjilbang and we were told to top up our "digital" lock so that we can get the clothes for jimjilbang and any food we want...the tour guide had to bring the rest of the ppl upstairs to the "theme park" so the 2 of us decided to go top up on our own. here comes the perfect example of why i think if we went on free and easy, we will easily die from frustration..hahaha we had sooooooooooooooo much difficulty trying to communicate -.- first we tried eng, no go, then the lady asked if we speak chinese, so yes we do and tried to ask our qn in chinese, she doesn't understand us, she attempted to write it out somemore but obviously also cmi -.- so in the end we were rescued by the tour guide buttttttttt it's becos earlier on he didn't tell us that after we top up, we can get refunds for the remaining value...and he didn't tell us it's by value or hour or wad? and we were under the impression that it's by hour (i can't rem why but that's how we had such a difficult time communicating)
Anw, after all the commotion, we went to sit one of the rides...just like normal water theme park where we sit on the float and slide down :) FUN~ kekeke...suddenly bao and i are like little kids...getting all excited abt the ride...we went to the small pool where they had a few diff kind of water pressure massage - using the force of the water to hit on our body...the water force is a bit too strong though, i kept getting hit further and further away from the water source haha
after going outdoors for the hot tub (the short journey from indoors to outdoors is frighteningly cold :X), we decided we had to make time for our jimjilbang :D

One of the sauna rooms, there's like different rooms - charcoal, pebbles, salt/minerals and pebbles :) drinking my "sweet drink from fermented rice" :D

We were at Yongpyong -1.9 but during the day it was even worse...hahaha so i think the ski outfit is really quite amazing~!
Dinner time! More of the fish's actually a very common fish that they have, they dry it up in the sun but becos the weather is very cold so the fish will freeze and thaw, freeze and thaw and somehow makes the meat more delicious (i cannot appreciate it cos i dun like fish) hahaha
At the front of our resort...very pretty reindeer + sleigh~
We also heard that that night, some of the artistes will be coming to perform, the more famous one being kyuhyun of SuJu...seriously i can't rem the rest, but not as well known ones...we contemplated whether to go anot but i think the tot of squeezing w all the xmm frightened us hahaha
Probably our worst hotel :P kekeke...cos it was so crammed and becos of the additional bed, they had to move the fridge on top of the dressing table and blocked the mirror -.-"
I think this is where we fell aslp while watching secret garden w no
Lol! I was on Korean national tv! -.-"
My other regret of this trip is we didn't manage to take any photos while we were skiing :( sad!
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