Day 5: My fave day of the trip~
No appetite day #9485...
Breakfast was porridge~ either plain or abalone porridge...the sheer smell of the abalone porridge totally turned me off...i mean on normal days i wouldn't have mind it but not when my stomach is not feeling well :( plain porridge for me ahjussi~
Reallie no appetite, i think i forced myself to eat half of the bread and maybe like 4 mouthfuls of porridge...:(

after the ride, we were loitering ard in the shop, some of them were waiting for the photos to come out and suddenly i hear a "agassi" and turned to see the driver pointing at the super mario hat and specs to me ...and i was like O.o wad?! hahahaa and he insisted for me to put them on and tada, the result is the below funny~ but he's really a very frenly earlier we were at the tangerine farm buying the chocolate, he will ask them for more free samples to let us try etc...very helpful and warm ahjussi :)
At the place we shows the women who went out to pick abalones in the painting but can't reallie tell in the photo :X

First destination: Tangerine Farm! :D
We were supposed to pick only the amount that we can eat on the SPOT...hahahaa and seriously i really had that in mind...i just wanted to pluck one and eat it there and then...but NOOOOOO the nice uncle in our tour decided to help us pluck and kept asking me to stuff them in my already bloated bag...hahahhaa quite a funny sight... i dunno how come i was the onli left there...the other 2 were not with me...hahaaha and i dunno how to reject him so i just obeyed and stuffed them in my
@ Songsan Sunrise Peak
I seriously dun rem posing for this...either i did and forgot or i was really thinking to myself that it looks like a very long climb up hahaha
Climb climb tour guide says it takes very fast to reach the peak...maybe 15-20 mins...i think we took at least half an least o...

And it's back to climbing again~
we climbed up to see wad again? O.o hahaha actually it's supposedly well known to see the sunrise so obviously we alr missed it since we only started climbing when it's alr bright and sunny hahaha
That's when one of our tourmates told us that she saw Edmund Chen and took a photo w him~ and we started our "mission" of looking for dunno why we even did that since we are not even fans O.o hahahaa but he is really nice in person though~
After the Morning Exercise, we returned to the coach to take some selcas to prove that we are alive...
And we are off to Seongeup Folk Village...which our tour guide almost forgot abt and wanted to send us for lunch instead hahahaa...i think it was the driver who reminded him...can i say i reallie like our jeju driver? :D super frenly and helpful driver!

The lady doing a little song for us using the traditional way of producing sound from the jar-like thing she is hitting..

Ahhh the black pigggggg which is famous in Jeju for its........meat~

And we bought some 五味茶 which i have not drank even until now -.- shucks...
And we bought some 五味茶 which i have not drank even until now -.- shucks...
It's reallieeeeeeeeeeeee yummy and my appetite seemed to be ok that day so i managed to eat quite a bit :) happifieddddddddd! i love sangchu with meat :)
Then it was off to horse riding and go karting! hooray!
At first i tot the horse will have someone pulling but NO the horse was left to GALLOP on its own! seriously i think the horses get excited from the sound of our high pitch voices, the more we squeal the faster it gallops...omigosh~~ was scary at first but became very fun after i got used to it and wished it could last longer :)))))))))))
the horses are very well trained...or rather they are so used to the routine that they know exactly where to go..seriously if one of the horses decided to go crazy, there will be no one to save us cos 1/2 of the path where they galloped on, none of the staff was ard...if something really happened there...then good luck sia...but it was a fun experience :)
Instead of the ATV ride, the tour guide suggested doing go kart instead...fine by me since i never tried either...
Weather turned a little cold...and I did not bring my jacket out :(
The nice female staff probably saw me hopping ard in cold and she brought this jacket out for me...:) and my first go karting experience is not bad :) although i think i could have gone faster but safety first! kekeke...mainly cos i am chicken lah...i scared if i go too fast i can't control the kart that well~
after the ride, we were loitering ard in the shop, some of them were waiting for the photos to come out and suddenly i hear a "agassi" and turned to see the driver pointing at the super mario hat and specs to me ...and i was like O.o wad?! hahahaa and he insisted for me to put them on and tada, the result is the below funny~ but he's really a very frenly earlier we were at the tangerine farm buying the chocolate, he will ask them for more free samples to let us try etc...very helpful and warm ahjussi :)
after all the fun, we went on to the Cheonjeyeon waterfall~ On our way there, the driver kept showing music videos and i think he is a G Dragon fan :) hahaha
I dun rem if i saw this 8 yrs ago anot....i onli i did see a waterfall last time cos i rem meeting jiesi

The place where the tour guide asked yz to help him take a photo (who is the tourist here now??) hahaha dam funny lor O.o
Then our childish tour guide did very funny things again...we were climbing up the stairs and suddenly he commented that he can climb up very fast and started to leap and ran up the stairs..yanzhen and i were like "Wad? o.O?!" hahahaha c.h.i.l.d.i.s.h~
Teddy museum - which i actually had some anticipation and turned out reallie disappointing :(
The famous black boar meat~ but can i say the lunch was nicer? this was a tad dry for my liking and i think lunch i had a better appetite haahaa...unfotch, this was one of the meals we had to fork out money for...:( but it's still nicer than most of our meals alr lah :P
Last stop was the Yongduam Rock - Dragon head rock...
tour guide says it supposedly looks nicer at night cos of the lighting but i must say that day none of us were in the mood to admire the view cos it was FREEZING cold!! i duno wad happened the weather just suddenly turned cold, i had ALL my stuffs on me...jacket, gloves, scarf, hat and i was still freezing! all i wanted to do was to get out of that place and back on the bus hahahaa...
In the end we went to a convenient store to hide and for some of them to get some snacks/drinks...while in it, the driver saw some fire works and asked how much were they...but i think it was a bit too costly to him if not i think he might actually just buy and let us play w them :P kekeke...
I enjoyed my 2nd day in jeju very much :) partly thanks to the very frenly driver!
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