Saturday, January 19, 2013


I am not sure if i regret the job switch or that I am finally accepting the fact that I am not suitable for this job.

Recently I keep having the thought that I should start taking responsibility of my life and stop living day by day aimlessly. I don't wanna look back 10 years later and feel that I did nothing to make my life better. There have been so many reports saying Singaporeans are not happy and I couldn't agree more. I am unhappy daily now cos of my work. Every single day I dread going to work, I am starting to worry I will get depression from it. BUT my problem of not knowing what i want to do in life persists. what do i want to do? i think the easiest way to make myself feel better is to let go of the pay. I think i have reached the point where my happiness outweighs the money/pay i can get if i stay in this industry.

i think it's time for some action.

hopefully after monday's talk w the boss, i will have a better idea on what to do.

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