Saturday, July 29, 2006

1st month of work's only been one month but i feel like i have been working there forever!!
working reallie very horrible..u squeeze in the morning train, during lunch u squeeze with the crowd..chopping seats with packets of tissue papers..and i used to despise such i fully understand why they have to resort to's reallie freaking crowded..go home squeeze w the going home crowd..can u imagine..for the rest of ur's gonna be like this?? it's only when u start work that u fully appreciate and thank God for the existence of public holidays...T.T *looking forward to National Day*
luckily these few days..i finally got things to do...time passes very fast when u have things to do...hahaha..apparently a lot of ppl noticed tt i was very free during a period of colleague even suspects that my snr and coach forgot abt my existence..>_< haha..but tt's last in awhile u see ppl coming to my desk..asking me to do things..but i prefer having things to least u feel more useful..and feels more enriching..haha..
hai~ the snr i have been assigned to...well...maybe it's cos we are not tt close yet..just feel that there's a gen gap btw us..-.- i feel like i am in sch..tcha ask me to do things..i cannot say no those kind..maybe cos of the diff in our ranks..dunno leh..very hard to describe wad exactly it is like to work w her...she can be quite demanding..and she always wants things done HER way..-.- a bit no flexibility lo...=X sianz..and i somehow have a feeling tt someone from the same batch as me..dun reallie like me?? She can like talk to anyone except me..and she dun like to walk beside me..if the others are in pairs alr..she will rather walk behind weird..=.= maybe i think too much lah..
and today's the first time i talked to this guy from the same batch as me...he's from the same jc as tammy..zzz..but i think he is most prob chance office alr limited guys..and all the guys there are either too old, married or attached..wad is this man?! =.=~ it's time i start visiting sdu...kekeke...
i cannot wait for one yr to pass so that new associates will come in~!! i dun wanna be the lowest form of life there..T_T even the vacational trainees are gone..all the stupid admin things will be pushed to us..hai~ ming ku ah...

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