Friday, September 15, 2006

wahaha...SOOOOO long no blog...almost forgot i got this blog liaoz...hai~~ i have worked for 2 months ++ liao..and starting to get the hang of things...wah..starting is reallie very bad lo...every little thing do wrongly and my snr will not hesitate to "nag" me...starting i reallie cannot stand her..but now...i think as we get to work more often..she seems to treat me better liaoz...=P phew..if not so stressed...
reallie nothing much to update is now a cycle of waking up, going to work, go home, watch tv, social life manz~ hai~...but at least it's still better than my frenz in audit..they are reallie very cham..totallie no life at from 830 to 12?!?!? to hang out w frenz after work lidat? some of them when on job, they dun even have internet...totallie cut off from the world sia..=\
sighz..met up w some of my uni frenz on thurs..hearing them talk abt their job..they seem pretty satisfied w their jobs..then when asked of wad my job is abt..i totallie got no idea how to tell's like...the work i brainless...-.- say alr also throw face...but actually the stress from meeting the datelines is quite big actuallie..dun think they understand..and made my job sound like so simple and relaxing...relaxing my foot -.- then they were talking abt chging job after a few years...seriously..i dun reallie intend to ...i am pretty happie w where i am now..tho it's not the greatest job nor do i have the greatest employer..but i think it's not too bad an employer reallie feel like staying there...there's a lot of ppl working there and it's their first job..some are like mgrs liaoz...hmmm...dunno lehz..=\ no matter where i go..i feel i can't find the perfect job tt i will duno lah..
ya..i know this post has totallie no content..but i just feel like i have better things to update then blog again ba =.=

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