Friday, September 29, 2006

updatesssss... first crush in a long while..but it's very obvious it's a crush cos i nv talk to him b4...kekeke..
he is a senior in my office..haha..just feel tt he is very zai in his work..yet has a good sense of humour (eavesdropped when he was chatting with his colleagues) he is married and with kids..hahaha..prob ard 30 ba..but among all the guys here..he is the only one that is reallie the more "interesting" for the guy that came in the same time as me..i no longer find him good looking..he's just a tall average looking person now..altho my fren thinks he's super cute..-.-"

next week is my DnD at Swiss hotel..=\ i am not performing! but 7 out of 9 of the A1s in my dept is dancing...haha..they are overly enthu abt it..siao ginas...i dun like dancing..i will look like some piggy trying to twist and with 7 days and no dress to wear..*yawns* i think i shall just go in office wear -.-

talked to jingyi on msn last night...feel so tempted to go uk find her in dec/jan..hai~but i think of the air ticket...heart pain..somemore in so cold..=\ but one good thing is can wear boots like nobody's biz..i know i singapore also's just so aa to hello? 30+ degree and..everyone is in sandals/flip flops...then someone so extra in boots...? dun think so~ aiya..i just wanna hurry clear my leave this year lehz...wait next yr peak then so hard to get approval for leave -.-! and i reallie feel like going overseas...i wanna go japan or maybe go taiwan again..but with frenz this time..hehe...sighz~ dunno how lehz...anyone has any suggestions? hehe..

ytd...went new york new york with the sngs gals..hehe..ade and i treat them...but actuallie ok the end abt 20+ me n ade ard 60+ each...still alright...but they reallie think we print very easy to use up...esp on trasport and food..sigh~ i wish for the increment faster...T_T such a underpaid job..sianz...

i have decided to do sth abt the ever bulging tummy..time to use my mum's osim machine...keke..weekends go jogging/swimming and weekday go gym!! lol...wad's the chances of that getting carried out i reallie wonder...hehe

btw..i am typing all these in office...why? cos snrs on leave, hai~ lotsa outstanding things..=\ super low prooductivity today..just waiting for time to pass ...sianz...

1 comment:

xiu said...

hehe yup post a photo of ur crush! having a crush helps you look more forward to gg to work. heh. just like when we were in sch last time. and thanks for the treat! you'll get urs when we start working. haha. i wanna go tokyo disneyland!! anyone interested?