Sunday, March 30, 2008

St Nicks fun fair on 29th March....:)

Taken (not by me) b4 the crowd came...

the stalls...

Mini Seven-11

Mini Arcade...

Map :P

Some cheerleaders in action...

Crowd coming in........

at the carpark...

the hall...(jumbo sale)


Visited our old classrooms....

Sec 3 Truth'99...

the staircase outside Sec 3Truth...

Sec 4Truth'00...the gals inside the class asked us wad batch we were in...
Us:"grey badge"
Them:"oh, not too long ago mah...2 yrs..."
Us:"nono, the previous batch with grey badge, 8 yrs ago..."
Them:"oh...many many yrs ago one ah..."
Yes...many yrs ago :(

The painted toilets O.O reallie WOW...haha

@ the "new" (cos i first time see but has been there since 5-6 yrs ago?) semi D platform...
@ the specs stand :)
The (sunken) forum
Big sabretooth slide on the netball court...
"Pony" ride anyone?

The track...:) fond memories...
Library w 2 ex-librarians :)

Up they go................

Our beloved 校长 (I look so auntie w the plastic bag n umbrella :x)
The St Nicks Umbrella :) prettyyyyyyyy...
St Nicks doll~ :)

Salted chicken noodle @ our fave hangout pao pao cha place :D

I had SO MUCH fun today! saw some of our classmates and old girls (Nadine!) and most imptantly the tchas and 校长!!!!!! I am so happy to see Ms Quek (She rems my name!!!!) and 校长~ Oh I miss St Nicks...they are gonna renovate the sch so next time we go prob will look diff liao...sadded...seeing the sch reallie brings back so much memories...the canteen, family lounge, classrooms, specs stand, sunken forum, track, basketball many places...
anywayz still got more photos but with Jules...shall wait for her to send us (soon i hope..) Happy Happy~ even tho i had headache shortly after i got there...but i REALLIE REALLIE enjoyed myself today to the max~ good o' times ...we even dedicated our Talentime winning dance song (Abba's Mama Mia) ...those were the day~ :)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Moi bday celeb @ Minds cafe on 16th March...

Moi's fave Mocha float @ Minds...

Pasta...looks rather unappetizing here but it's actuallie quite yummy :)

Jenga craze~ (I am so scared it will drop at my turn...:P)

I wish for..........:P

Nan de all 6 of us made it that day...:)

Thanks gals for the bday celeb...i wasn't expecting the "cake" (was it a brownie?) and ice cream at the end...pleasant surprise :) hehe...Had fun~