Monday, March 24, 2008

Another disappointing end to the much hyped match...i cannot even begin to describe how STUPID that man is to go question the ref when he's alr on a yellow card...i cannot even begin to describe how much i wanna rip ronaldo's face apart when i saw his expression when he scored the second goal -.-
I wish i can kill (no joke) the stupid man who caused liverpool to go down to 10 men...and all the mancs and blues fans who are gloating over much for worrying he's on international duty eh? he wun even be allowed to play vs everton now...hoorays to the blues...shit. He looks almost as tho he is high on drugs and out of control...he needs to be restrained by so many ppl...looks insane.
fucking piece of lousy refereeing as well...-.-" the refs are so easily influenced by SAF...c'mon...dun let the man's mind games get to u...i can only say...tough luck...if they started with 11 men in the 2nd half, perhaps that would have been a more balanced match. If Only.

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