Saturday, March 01, 2008

I am SOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!! Our Japan trip has been booked!! JAPAN!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO...Japan is one of the country that is on my "must visit" list...=D happy happy~ i din actuallie expect myself to go Jap so soon...i tot it wun be for another 2-3 yrs b4 i go there but who cares! i AM going this yr! in MAY!!!!!!!!!! hooray~~~~~~~~hehehe...super looking forward to it sia~ ^_^v

but the thing is it's gonna cost me a bomb! and considering i just got my tv...i am feeling extremely poor now T_T sad...i can only look forward to my bonus to compensate a little but i dun think i will get much bonus lor =\ sighz...*broke* i still wanna go europe next yr de lehhhhhh........*staring at anfield photo with mixed feelings*

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