Monday, June 16, 2008

And the spending doesn't stop..i bot a 1GB Samsung mp3 pebble player from ky (which she got for free! humph-.-) at 50 bucks...but since during the pc show they were selling it for 59 and i think normal retail price will be even higher bah...=/ but if u ask me, do i reallie need it...? the answer is a NO.

can i complain abt my new laptop...? there's sth wrong w the keyboard keys...some of them dun gimme the symbol i wan, like the @ on the number 2...i got that symbol by pressing shift with the button ( ' ) ....this sux. it's NEW. and the mousepad a bit siao siao...i decided to send it for "repair" this weekend if possible -.- and i am disgusted by the "quality" i get at the pc show =.= i guess i can only blame myself...i am so not gonna buy electronics on my own again!

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