Sunday, September 21, 2008

alrighty~ as spanish "lessons" continues...hahahaa

Lesson # 3: Numeros~ (Numbers) 0-10
cero (ceh-ro), uno (wu-no), dos, tres, cuatro (qua-tro), cinco (sin-co), seis (seh-is), siete (si-eh-teh), ocho (o-cho), nueve (nu-eh-veh), diez (di-eh-z)

Lesson # 4: Verbs
comer(co-meh-r, read the 'meh-r' together faster) - to eat ...
yo como = I eat
tu comes = You eat
El/Ella come = He/She eats
Nosotros comemos = We eat
Vosotros comeis = You all eat
Ellos comen = They eat

beber(beh-beh-r) - to drink...yo bebo = I drink
comprar (com-prah-r) - to shop...yo compro = I shop
dormir (dor-mir) - to sleep...yo duermo = I sleep [one of the irregular verbs...]
trabajar (tra-bah-Har) - to work...yo trabajo = I work

Lesson # 5: Vocabs
Donde = Where
Que (k) = What
Como = How
Quien (key-an) = Who
Porque (Por -k) = Why/becos lesson teach more vocabs :)

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