Friday, September 05, 2008

well...i have been to my first spanish class liaoz...quite disappointing i feel...cos i dun like the teaching style of the teacher...maybe i am too used to singapore style of teaching...follow closely to the curriculum~ when she teaches so freestyl-y, it's a bit hard to follow...

she din teach us the basic way to pronounce some of the letters, she happily assumed everyone can understand her...cos she speaks rather fast and when it gets fast, it gets muffled too~ anywayz, perhaps i had previous experience w another spanish teacher, i prefer the other one...who is slow and clear, states clearly wad she is teaching...and i dunoo...just more approachable...but then again, it was only my first lesson, things shld get better :) but i feel that ppl who had not learnt before might have a little difficulty following her pace...

but nonetheless, overall, i enjoyed the lesson...simply becos i like the language / c'try since long time ago... i just hope my 650 bucks are well spent :) wish me luck~!

I decided to "teach" sth from each of my lesson so my frenz can learn spanish along with me~ yay~!
Lesson #1 :
Q:Como te llamas? (co-mo teh ya-mas) = What is your name?
A:Me llamo your name (meh ya-mo ____) = My name is ____

simple ya? :)

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