omg. we had a jug of sangria EACH! first we had the white one and shared...then yun decided to try the red one...and she decided she likes the red one more while ash and cindy prefer the white since the obviously wun sell us half white, half red, we ordered 1 each -.- so technically speaking, reallie is 1 jug per person (our mission of the day was actuallie to finish a jug well, mission accomplished!) reallie very nice wor...i love the sangria there very much :) we crapped and gossiped from 8 to 11+ oh dear mio...we sure can crap ...:)
enjoyed today! then i suddenly think, why is it that we can keep hanging out recently? then i realised, majority of us are not attached O.O Hmmm...just sth i observed...

i realised the photos are too dark T_T so sad.........
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