Monday, March 09, 2009

Sangria at Zsofi's is reallie NICE...

went Zsofi's on Sat with my Spanish classmates ...that place sells Spanish tapas and most importantly ...Sangria! We had the white sangria, which is very nice compared to the red one i had last time...yumz...the tapas are very nice too but a tat too expensive (waiting for the photos to upload...)

then we moved on to Mind's cafe (aka Bendi's cafe to us...) as usual we zoomed in to play the taboo board game, Bendi proved to as entertaining as ever...(i love you bendi :D) i laughed till my tears flew...hahahaa...i guess we found a perfect combi of ai ling, yun and at describing, one at guessing, one at drawing~ :D
saboteur was fun today thanks to miss cindy, her blurness added a new "dimension" to this scheming game...nyahaha...

forgot to mention, thx for the mini celebration :) first cake blowing for my 25th bday ...(sighz)

Had a really fun time...going to visit Zsofi's again tmr with the gals...dear sangria, here i come again :)

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