Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Diving experience~

i am back!!! from my first diving trip at Dayang!! and i survived!! :D

so technically speaking, i can dive on my own already...but still...not enough confidence...:P

the whole trip is very tiring though, we left the school at 8+ towards Woodlands checkpoint...as usual lah, my finger no prints one...so cannot pass -.-" i think i need to go update my ic...zzz

anw, we had a short break and it was all the way to mersing jetty... by the time we reached there abt 1140, wah lao the van driver was like racing...not driving, turn nv change gear one O_O gear 4 all the way...hahahaha...dam scary actuallie (esp when i have been in an accident b4)

but anw, went on the boat, VERY rocky...somemore it was in an enclosed space so almost got a bit sea sick (that's a first!)...finally went to zzz...but halfway keep waking up and it was super duper cold!ridiculous...

after i left the boat, i was still shakinggggg...very bad...and we finally reached Dayang...i was a bit rocking as i walked on the bridge...hahaha...finally reached our room, 6 double decker beds and since none of the gers wanna take the top, i took it :P and very fast i concussed...zzz

next morning - 23 May 2009... First Dive...

had breakfast and soon had to have briefing for our first dive!! i was kinda nervous and had a puky feeling...nervousssss

after tt we went to the boat and started to rig up...putting on the equipment on the tank...shit...totallie forgot wad to do...and Ms DM is not the most helpful person on boat lor...zzzz
she din even make sure i turned on the tank?! i am a beginner lehz...shesh...but nonetheless, i sorta rem the process from my pool session and got it on etc...

next up was the wet suit...wah...wearing a dry wet suit is so hard -.-" faintz
finally comes the spitting in the mask and putting on the fins...suddenly i was hyper ventilating...hahaha...scared leh, and first time we are gonna do our "giant stride" into the sea!!! so basically, we press our right hand on our mask n regulator, left hand on the weight belt and one big step INTO the sea!! woooooo...scary siaz...

first dive, i panicked like HELL...hyperventilating...go down a bit forgot to equalise, keep wanting to use nose to breathe...agony...and had to do skills like clear half mask and recover regulator etc -.-" shit man, things i did well in the pool all throw back to instructor...after tt back to boat, eat lunch and immediately back into the boat again -.-" rush rush...back into the water after rigging up, wearing the suit...*tired* then 2nd dive, need to do full mask clearing and mask removal (my nightmare!)...when i removed my mask, tat's it, breathe in water through the nose..stupid pig...so i panicked and grab on to the the instructor's hand like there's no tomorrow, i swear i might have left some fingernail prints on his palm...and cos i closed my eyes, the feeling is dam shitty...finally managed to put the mask on (phew)...then we moved on to do some buoyancy control...omigosh...i like =.= super clumsy in water, i nv ever considered myself clumsy in water b4...until i learnt diving -.-nonetheless, i managed to find the "neutral buoyancy" and started swimming a little...weehee...swimming ard i not scared, ask me to kneel and do skills i am scared..lol

3rd dive after the tea, had a bit of briefing and the "highlight" of the day, CESA- Controlled emergency swimming ascent...hahaa...it's to simulate the situation when u are OUT of air, left 1 breath and w that u have to ascent to the top...no air, so cannot inflate the bcd either, have to oral inflate...BUT it turned out much easier than i tot...i think the depth was abt 6-7 m only...and i was the first to go so i was a bit blur, 1st breath i took dam short, then i realised i onli had 2 more times to "breathe" b4 i had to use 1 breath and go up all the way...hahaha...so anw, i completed it...:D happified...i managed to see some angel fishes, nemo, sea cucumber and 101 corals...there was thermocline, where 1 part of the water is warm then suddenly is COLD...reallie leh, no kidding, dam cool...very obvious division of temperature...but my grp of fellow divers said they saw stingray and a sch of baby baraccudas (i wanna see these!!!) sadded...i am blind, i saw nothing just lots of other colourful fishes....:(

dinner was bbq stuffs so it was yummy :D chicken wings, satays, lamb chops...heee
and i finally saw ade's fiance's Greek fren...up close reallie quite shuai :P heee...

settled down to do my log book -.- shesh, pressure group and dive tables...apparently our first dive was onli 5m (the one i hyperventilate) and 2nd was 10m and finally the last one was abt 15m the deepest we went...

next day 7 am woke up but the DMs woke up later -.-" shitty...

went first dive without breakfast...water isn't as cold as i tot...phew...and i tot i saw a trigger fish from far (trigger fish attacks ppl...=X) but it disappeared shortly so ok lah, lucky lucky...today's thermocline even colder...brrrr...

this dive, saw many diff sch of fishes (names i dunno) some of the angel fishes swam towards us, reallie close, then they swim pass us :) cute...then i saw angry nemos (ok, clown fish is the actual name)...they were trying to protect their home, so when we went near, they tried to bite us...VERY cute, i swear if it has an expression, it's frowning...hehhehe, 2 big 2 small ones...cuteeeeeeeeeeeee!! i love u nemo :D

then we moved on but i had trouble w my buoyancy...so the ppoor DM kept pulling my fin down...and she pulled so fast, no time to equalize lor...zzzz...and apparently she sat on me in the end...shesh -.-"

after breakfast, last dive!! excited, cos finally i dunnit to keep rigging up and unrigging...
this dive, we did the last bit of skill, navigation, quite interesting...

then i saw the feelers of a lobster, the 2 instructor/DM were so engrossed in coaxing the lobster out, they ignored us, 2 of the divers actuallie floated to the surface liao lor...omigosh -.- i myself was scared tt i will bang into them so i tried to swim a bit above them...luckily nv shoot up...phew...and my mask was too tight, under that pressure, it was causing a major headache...mask squeeze...even till now, if i touch my forehead, i feel sore...:(

actuallie after my first 2 dives, i tot this was a mistake but now i look back, it was fun~ so i guess i will still go diving again :) like i said, i belong in the water :P

i had A LOT of blue blacks from this trip, 4 on my right leg, 1 on my left, all big patches one...very scary...1 on my shoulder for carrying my gear bag at the customs -.- shit.

shall wait for (minimal) photos to upload :D i din take any land shots 0.0 hahaha

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