Immigration at the airport took quite a while...i dunno why but it seems like i always end up in the slowest queue >.<
@ the airport...
Once we were out, there was a man directing "tourists" to the cab stations...even though our aim was to get a coffee/ sth to keep us awake, he kept telling us to go right and down -.-" and he kept asking us "what u want" and when i politely answered "drinks" he continued with taxi stand on the right below...............
Finally we made our way to the taxi stand...i must say at least they do try to protect the safety of the passengers..we were handed a paper w the taxi driver's name, car no etc written down...
Problem was the lady didn't tell us who was our taxi driver, cos there were a lot of them and everyone was supposedly leading their own passengers to their cars ... so we just blur blur follow the person we think is our taxi driver...we were right BUT problem surfaced again...ANOTHER communication problem...even AFTER we gave him the full address of the hotel...:(
While on the road, we had a few close shaves...he basically drove on the shoulder of the left lane and we were soooooooooooooo near to this big truck either carrying beers or crates of errm...sth...hahaha and the driver is speeding like nobody's business -.- 140km/h is the avg i think...and 80 is the limit =.= scaryyyy
When we reached the hotel we realised how freaking near Platinum mall is to us! just cross the bridge~
Anw, reached the hotel at abt 10am BKK time (i.e. 11 SG time), the hotel lobby has revamped...very different from when we last stayed 3 yrs ago.
The hotel let us check in early even though their check in time is at 2pm...hooray~!
Yup, sth wrong w my luggage again, i think my fingers are cursed! >.<
After that was straight to platinum since it is so near~ and can i say, i am SUPER overwhelmed by that's so big and have so many lanes?! hahahaa
We decided to start from the top which was lvl 5 (we didn't know there was a lvl 6 for food)
and lvl 5 mainly sells higher priced bags, shoes, accessories...i think we set our expectations too high, we were expecting reallieeeeeeeee cheap things so the first shoe shop we went, even though the shoes are 350 Baht, we think it's expensive...but actuallie it's just abt 15 bucks sgd...not reallie ex wad...hahaa
the bags are priced a bit too high though esp when they have logos on them, the more reluctant we are to buy them...anw, the quality of the bags are reallie better but an avg of 600+ baht for a bag is wayyyyyyyyyyy over our expectations :X
They have like tons of accessories on that level...and i see till my eyes wanna pop...too much...knowing me, i can NV resist accessories...bags and clothes i can but NV i did get myself a reallie nice pair of earrings (the rocking horse and sock thingy) as well as 2 rings...
In order not to make ourselves feel sad (cos after 2 hours of shopping, none of us bot anything yet), we went to this flip flop selling shop and picked out a pair of flip flops each, onli at 79 baht = close to 4 bucks sgd...
finally after abt 4 hours of shopping non stop, we went for a super late lunch (by our standards) but it's actuallie only about 1+ their time so it was still during their peak time for lunch...
We went to their food court upstairs BUT we had no idea how to order..and when yz and i spotted ppl using a card to pay for the food, we decided to be thick skinned and ask the lady beside us how to purchase our she point to the card n point to somewhere behind meaning to get the card there~
it was quite nerve wrecking cos everyone's in a rush and we didn't really know wad to do...and i can say i m a very useless travel companion cos i will be at a loss and dun dare to ask ppl (in foreign non english/ chinese speaking ctries) yz had to do everything...ahahah...anw FINALLY we ordered and we totallie have no idea how to tell if the food is ours and i think the guy taking order is so disorganised too...haha ...Anw we had Phad Thai :P

After lunch was more crazy shopping! we decided to give up on 5th floor and move to the 4th...which is equally big and messy...anw we walked till leg pain :\ then we went bk to the hotel to put our stuffs n set off to chinatown~ bkk's traffic is realli crazy -.- the cabbies speed on normal roads too -.- scaryyyy...and the amt of cars on the road is crazyyy =.=
Finally we reached Chinatown and ended up at the SAME restaurant 3 yrs ago...hahaha
Trying to pose silly poses and ended up giggling to ourselves....

Kangkong! yumz!

Sotong! Doubly Yumz!

forgot the name...but so so only...
the fish...:( turned out a little dry...i think fry too long liao...lost the "tenderness"...
we look so sian cos the rice is horrible :( like overcooked rice tt comes in lumps...

Cos i saw someone taking the street, i decided our photos should include some street views too...errrr but hor can only see me and the durian seller -.- Chinatown at night seems mainly for eating so there was nothing much to look at...until i saw.................
WATSONS :D My fave place to shop...and i got more make up there! they are much cheaper due to the exchg rate~ esp when i saw Kate by Kanebo i was over the moon :) happified!
Anw we had an early night since we woke up super early that morning~ so we slpt with my hair still wet :(
Day 2
Before setting off~
breakfast which is the same as 3 yrs ago :X

the 2 hungry ghosts....i din finish my food...:P
We were quite early, i think BKK 10am...(actuallie not very early wad) but the shops are not opened...we were supposed to go siam square first but not opened, mbk shops also not :(
Then it was back to shopping shopping shopping again =.= i like going mbk cos it's not as crowded as we were there early SO all the sellers don't mind cutting the price for the opening sale :P so i got my Mr Bean's bear, tons of Little Miss so and so tees and bagsssss~
The not nice steamboat buffet :(

So in the end, we shopped at MBK for the whole day...bought our share of Dunkin Donuts and walked over to Siam Square :P Oh and i got my Cruel Intentions DVD there for 189 Baht quite cheap for a DVD so i bought it :P
(Can i say, i really walk till my legs pain?! :X )
Since we didn't eat, we bot sandwiches from our nearby 7-11 and got it heated up...and they proved to be way more satisfying than the steamboat lunch...
Healthy babies - drinking milk b4 we slp~
After 2 days...the luggages are filled! Mr Bean's bear (now just lying on my bed collecting dust)

after 2 days - my shoes :P

See how high the stack of bags are :P

Day 3 saw us going to Chatuchak but after ab 4 hrs of walking in circles..suffering from the heat and humidity...we decided to give up and go back to platinum :P
Lunch @ platinum food court~cheap and satisfying~
Then after shopping, we made our way to Central World (used to be called World Trade Centre) we walked there and along the way we came across many many cheap things :P and realised we got some of our things too expensive -.- shucks...
Dinner at some pasta place proved to us that expensive food doesn't necessarily means nice food :\

Then off to pack our zhan li pins +.+
Our messssssss~

and i managed to pack them all nicely~ so proud of myself :D
Lunch the next day - still at platinum mall food court~

Finally we walked till our legs protested so we went for a food massage it's surprisingly good but quite ex by thai std - 300 baht for 1hr...the 3 guys next to us were from singapore too hahaha...and they were "giggling" while having their food massaged hahaha

My leg~ i think the lady almost dozed off half way :P

The last day was quite relaxed we have covered more or less the places we wanted to we even managed to squeeze time for massage and a cup of coffee at black canyon coffee...which seems to be everywhere...something similar to star bucks :)

at the airport~
(i think i m finding it harder n harder to fall aslp on planes :X)
home sweet home at 12 midnight :)