Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My BKK conquests :D

I conclude, the more u chg, the more u spend -.- i chged like 350SGD last time and it wasn't enough, this time i chged 500SGD and it STILL isn't enough!! but at least this time i can afford my own dinner :P
My Mr Bean's Bear...i have always wanted one since Sec 1 :)
Even after some bargaining, i still had to spend 220 Baht on it :(
My belts :) cheap cheap...i reallie like the grey and thick black one :D
I still have not figured out if this is a top or a dress...Bao said it's a top but maybe for me it can be a dress...:P
Polka dotted top dress (black), the shop sold 6 colours in total...YZ and i decided to buy 4 of the colours and go back hotel to try b4 deciding which colour we want...she can sell the rest of them online :P heeee
The opp of the dress above...polka dotted bottom dress (blue)..the dresses are pretty cheap there...some come as cheap as 150 Baht...but not all are suitable for short ppl like me :\
My "pyjamas" hahaha
The bear tee is one of the better quality tee, so is the little miss sunshine, the pictures etc are sewn on...and the material is velvety...makes the 180baht more worth it :)
The 2 shorts are a teeny weeny bit tight...cos din get to try :P grow thinner is my goal now...hahaa
heap of clothes i bot...
cute lil sourvenirs for my frenz :) i especially love the bottom right one, looks so adorable...

One of the checkered bags i bot :)
Checkered Bag #2, the 3rd one is alr in my mum's cupboard :P
brown bags seem like the in things these days~

Pink bag to replace my pink bag :P
Close up of my fave earrings :P

Later then narrate abt my trip~ :)

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