Sunday, December 20, 2009

X'mas gathering 19 Dec 09

Occasion: Our X'mas gathering :)
Venue: Xiu's grandma's house
Time: Supposedly 12noon...last person arrived at 2 =.=
Colour Theme: Red AND Black

The santa hats look so cute :P
Late lunch~ Sakae sushi platter
our food! sushis, sashimis, honey baked ham, cheese, dessert wine, rootbeer and some biscuits for our ice cream~
So qiao yx wanted the bag i bot in Bangkok 3 yrs ago, so qiao I am buying for her, so qiao i went BKK recently...hahaaha...i like the handphone pouch too :)
Gift unwrapping...(ade sticked a lot of scotch tape=.=)
Thx Ade for the lucky she was the one who bot for me cos she saw the diary i wanted...(although i dun reallie rem it myself :P)
Hello Kitty biscuits from YX :D
Meow meow pouch also from yx :)
Group photo~ very red right?! haahahaha
My red looks so faded...and Lyn, that is NOT faded red -.- it's ORANGE.......
My presents :D

Decided to take some of the pages...very cute :D

weeee~ i guess we did not have much time that day...only managed to play a few wii games and they had to go alr...:P but nonetheless, still good to have all 6 of us that day :)

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