Monday, November 27, 2006


my life is always in a conflict..on the one hand, i like new things and things include mechandise and "boyfrenz"...i mean, i am those kinda person who xi xing yan jiu easily...once i get sth new, i wun like my old items..or when i managed to get that particular thing, i lose interest in it..
but strangely, i always hang out w the same few frenz i had since sec and jc..and i dun like to know new ppl...i dun like to start the whole process of getting to know someone all over again..which is why since uni, most of the ppl i know are just acquaintances...sad but true...i find it hard to find real close frenz from uni..but somehow other ppl can do tat..haha..
i can't find the energy to ying4 zhou2 my feels so fake..and i seriously dun like one of them...she gets on my nerves and seriously..kinda bitchy..bleahz~ annoying person..
i also keep repeating the same things i do everday...wake up, go work, come home, eat dinner, watch my tv, bathe and go to sleep..weekend go out, either ktv, play mahjong, play minimise, play maple, watch tv...omg...the more i type the more no life i feel..haha..but i think most part is just becos i dun dare to step out of my comfort zone..but..i am so "lazy" to do anything abt it...hai~

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