Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Bangkok trip

Bangkok trip

hehe...actuallie i wanted to post a long entry on this trip one..but i have been back for 2 weeks plus..lost the "feeling" to write short, the trip was pretty okie..lotsa shopping to do...but think we not good at bargaining...din get much bargains..but the things alr quite cheap at 199 baht..equivalent to 8 sing..=\ i bought a cute flip flops at 50 baht = 2 sing..*faintz* haha..but somehow i din get much dangling earrings...more of studs...all in all, bought 4 heels, 3 slippers, 4 skirts, 3 bags, 2 dresses, 1 top, zillion accessories..keke...and the thais love HELLO KITTY!! omg...i also cannot resist and bought some kitty things..haha..

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my zhan li ping...hehehe...still got others not included...those are the big pieces..

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on the river cruise....

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somewhere outside the temple of dawn...

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part of the temple of dawn...

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reclining buddha...VERY VERY BIG ONE..the amazing race came here b4..where they have to put coins in every pot...if anyone rems....

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out first MBK...the place quite nice but the food so so..a bit like marche style..but also like food court...haha..that was the meal i reallie reallie appreciate coke...after walking for so long under the sun, the coke was heavenly!

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SUPER CUTE AND B-E-A-U-TIFUL corner of hello kitty..i wish i bought one....*envious of ee*

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look how scared we are of ppl breaking in in the middle of the night...=P

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the x'mas deco outside world trade centre...very nice lo...bangkok's x'mas deco all very nice and more creative..can see there was effort put in...then u see orchard road..............................

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super satisfied shoppers?? hehe...i love the hello kitty bag tho i dun dare to use in singapore..hohoho

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Bye Bangkok~~~

i think i will go back again...tho recently got bombing...=\ but the things there reallie very cheap, even their normal things in watsons, also cheaper
make me so tempted to buy A LOT of things back..hahaha...
btw...this is the first time i took a budget turbulence, no bad fact, quite steady...but i think for longer journeys i would still prefer to take normal airlines...well...that's about it now...hope to have more trips overseas with frenz...i wanna go taiwan with frenz..sure can shop shop shop toooooo~ hehehe

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