Wednesday, June 06, 2007

btw..i am going for an interview for the UK secondment later...i am a little excited, a little nervous, a little scared and a little lost..cos i dunno if i reallie reallie want this..

just now during lunch, we were talking abt the work there...seems even MORE boring than here (that's saying a lot)..and they worked OT till 9+ 10 everyday! even in singapore i also dun work for that long..onli once in a blue moon kind..haha..oh well..i dunno..i think i am onli looking forward to the TOURING if i ever get to go~ but competition is stiff and onli 2 places NO CHANCE..hahah

oh well..if i dun get it, i wun be toooooo sad, disappointed no doubt but wun be too sad ba...can try again next year~!

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