Friday, June 08, 2007

ktv session today was horrific...din enjoy -.-

when u are singing...would u like ppl to be talking and chatting? i dunno...i dun like it...selfish maybe, a little too over demanding..but felt so disrespected...but i also dun like the feeling of everyone just staring into blank space when u are singing...contradicting tot...=\ i duno leh...i got irritated...even tho no one reallie did anything to piss me off...mood swing i suppose...i dunno why i can have a sudden dislike for someone out of the much so that hearing the voice also annoys me...wad is happening to me??

i think the session went well for everyone else...if i din spoil the thing...=\ i dunno..maybe i selfishly wish that the centre of attention was on me...? maybe......but once again i find myself in the zone of not wanting to care abt wad is happening ard fact, i got annoyed at things said that i had no idea abt...maybe felt left out too ba...i reckon if they have 1 person ktv at a cheap price next time, i might go... tho i sang the songs i "wanted" to...but din reallie enjoy it...some songs i reallie sang w full force, some i just can't be bothered...even my fave jia zhuang...fu1 yan3 de chang le chang...wad for?? to think i looked forward to it so much today.........bad bad..

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