well..my anniversary is actuallie on 3rd july..but this week i have been so busy this week so onli now do i have the time to settle down and write a little on this...
hee..well..my 1st anniversary sorta passed in a flash...went to eat steamboat buffet with ee and yz at hotel royal..(not nice -.-) the dinner was disappointing but nonetheless got to meet up w yz and ee...seems like quite sometime since we reallie met and sit down for a small chat..=) so was kinda happie abt that..
that was also the first time i met tianyun's bf, delanny (i hope i spelt it right)..hee..just when i am leaving..suddenly feel like i am bonding better than ever w the ppl there...that day susan (one of the administators) came and chit chat w me and asked me why i am leaving etc..then jeanie yang also chap in halfway..it's weird..cos when i was there for the whole year..i seldom talk to them..at most is those hi, bye kinda shit..but...well..i guess when u are leaving, ppl starts to treat u differently =\
anywayz, main point is i have worked for ONE whole bloody year!!! actuallie it feels longer than that..perhaps due to the amount of work load...since jan i haven been going home at a decent time..until recently when i know for sure i am leaving, i have been going home at 6+..otherwise, it's mainly 7+, 8 and those horrible days of 9+10 at the beginning of the year..those were the days man...
anywayz this whole week i have been eating like a pig!! tues lunch aglio olio, steamboat dinner, wed lunch had ramen, thurs lunch curry rice, thurs night tony roma's, fri lunch sakae sushi, fri night zhi cha!! omg...SO MUCH FOOD...=( i feel bloody fat!
hee...i felt my whole week was packed w activities...hee..tues night go for anniversary celebration (yay!), wed night went to watch transformers w bao and yz...thurs night went tony roma's w my p&g team + chiam~ and i had no time to pack my things and it's friday!! =.=
anywayz..on thurs went suntec's tony roma's for dinner w them...sat ros' car there..(a little bit of awkward silence..somehow i tink she wanted to fetch ty instead..but welllll..ahahha...actuallie i din reallie talk much at the dinner...nothing to reallie talk to them abt..and when they asked me for a speech i was like "..." hehe...dunno wad to say lahz..so after that we went ben and jerry's...-.- actuallie the whole thing was just abt seow, ty and ros..onli the 3 of them talking..and i was like just hmm..kinda bored..=p and i onli knew that day tt danwei lives so freaking near me 0.o hahha..
boohoo...yesterday was my last day at work...i spent my whole day running up and down the building..trying to get ppl to sign that bloody clearance list -.- horrible thing to do...but it's cool in a way cos i nv go to some of the floors and dept b4...=p lunch went w sharon wang and ty to sakae...sharon's treat! (thank you sharon!)
well...finally handed over my seagate (GOODBYE!) and my P&G..a little sad but tt's wad it's abt isn't it? haha..anywayz i spent my last few days "guiding" the new A1 abt P&G stuffs..sometimes i wonder if i was like her when i just came?..someone tells u sth but the next min u forget..but i can distinctly rem wad i told her...i guess tt's wad snr feels like ( it's a good feeling) hahaha..well..i wun get to experience that anymore..
at 4+, li wen they all came to gimme my farewell gift, i saw the BIGGEST GG5 paper bag...inside is a bag =) kinda surprised they got me sth from GG5...happie happie..and they wrote me a card...altho they started with almost the same line of "can't believe u are leaving", the content was all very sweet and full of fond memories..i reallie like to receive cards w content...=D
but wad reallie surprised me were the 2 VTs, of which one i nv even worked with b4! they gave me a little farewell present too =) i think it's reallie sweet!! it's reallie the tot that counts sometimes =)
then ros they all gave me my first real branded present! a TIFFANY necklace~ *eyes sparkle* haha...but i reallie reallie din expect tt lahz..(no wonder ty said i will love my present)..it's a pretty heart necklace =) they also wrote me a card...omg..stupid ros ask me to read it in front of them..(cos she knew i would cry!! she knew it and asked me to read on purpose! grrr) true enough, just read like 2 lines...tears start to gather =.= so i closed the card but the tears still flowed..but no where near as dramatic as it was when i first told ros the news..=p so anywayz it was photo taking session..

CK, me, Ros

ros and me~

me and my lovely neighbour, STY..hehe
(see my necklace?? =p)

Ros, me and STY...oh man i am gonna miss them lots =(

My P&G team (w/o KEL =\)

Me and Sharon Chiam =)

me and shidah =)

my fave gossiping kakis! i will miss all the bitching at work~

my lunch kakis!! i will miss them lots too! =(
i spent such a long time packing my crap =.= in the end i have 4 big bags -.- luckily, chiam was there to help me carry them down =p... i have only been there for a year and i have so much rubbish..haha..and sorrie ty, i forgot to leave tuxedo sam to keep u company =(
well..i have officially left PwC..who knows..maybe one day i will return...who knows...but anywayz..monday will be the start of my new job..hopefully things will be well and all...*looking forward to the future*
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