Tuesday, September 18, 2007

last tues went to tony romas with my pwc ex colleagues to celeb one of their bdays...
it's amazing how last time we nv actuallie went out after work...maybe once or twice in the whole 1 yr there...last time i din reallie feel very comfy going out w them but now i miss them like hell...i miss the times i can just walk ard the office and chit chat w them...not like now...just sit at my own place and work work work...:(

we spent abt 3 hours just chit chatting at tony romas that day...talking and bitching abt work..hahaha...it's amazing how relaxed i feel with them now...maybe it's reallie cos we are not working tgt anymore? i dunno...but i like that kinda feeling...很轻松...:) anywayz that day we reallie ate like PIGS! we ordered 2 combo sets, 1 pasta and 2 appetizers and a soup each -.- omg...even tho we are super full we still ordered two desserts! :D the desserts were nice...i like the cookie thingy w ice cream on top! it's very very NICE but not for those who dun like sweet stuffs cos both desserts are like SUPER sweet...名副其实的甜品! :D

then 2 of the prc told me they are going back to china for 2 weeks..o.o and another one is going to hk for holiday...ahhhh~ no one to eat lunch with me!!! :( sadded...
hope they come back soonnnnnnn~~~~my main point of this post is just that i miss them a lot! even just going for dinner also made me so happie....hai~ have i made the wrong choice?? have i...?

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