Sunday, September 23, 2007

on thurs i learnt that one of my ex pwc colleagues' dad passed's a very sudden thing cos just a few days ago i was still reading her blog and she was still saying abt how unreasonable etc her dad was...i heard tat he passed away due to a heart attack in china...i dun reallie know how to express the shock i am in now, it's a very weird feeling esp since i duno him at all but i am still in shock and disbelief that he's just gone..just lidat...heard that his body has just been shipped back on fri..
as for my fren, she was in europe travelling b4 her secondment started...heard that she came back on tues...hai~ i am just feeling life is so minute he was all well and fine, touring in china...the next minute this kinda thing happened....i hope she is feeling alright, she's a strong ger...i believe she will be...


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