Friday, September 21, 2007

time to write abt my vietnam trip~
well...basically i wasn't looking forward to it lahz...just that can sit SQ reallie made me quite happie and can go airport..i love our airport :P anywayz friday reallie very slack cos no govt! all the pbs are gone and only left, ade, sy, ys, ky and i in the office...hahaha so ALL of us went out for lunch together, no one stayed in for lunch duty -.- bo 3+ we all packed up and left for the airport~ all the time i was very sianz weekend will be burnt in vietnam with these ppl...SIAN...after we went in, started shopping! woooooo reallie cheaper cos no gst!!!! ahhhh spoilt for choice! i so wanna buy my cosmetics and perfume and wadever crap there is inside...the airport is a REALLIE good place to SHOP!! ahhh but after shopping so long, i finally bought my first MAC product...a mascara -.- (p/s it's not very good)apparently we spent SOOOOO long shopping, the whole plane was waiting for us to board! i was so amazed that we are the last ppl to board! but anywayz on the plane i was spoilt for choice much to watch, so much to play so little time!! cos the flight only 2 hours -.- only 2 hours still wanna sit reallie very rich...

anw finally reached vietnam..local time 6+ (sing time 7+)...zzz...supposed to have dinner at the hotel, but i so full from the meal on the plane (i dunno why ppl dun like airplace food)...
after the dinner..felix said to bring us to the night off we went...zzz RAINING...totallie spoils the mood...have to hold umbrella while walking/shopping is very very fan...and the traffic there very scary sia...first time i cross the road reallie a bit scared...the motor bikes dun stop at all!!!! omg...scary. anywayz i dun reallie like embroidery and stuffs so the things there reallie dun interest me...i dunno lahz...was very bored and uncomfy the whole time...esp cos got the pbs ard... much for the sharing room w ade and the end i still went back to my room w jh lahz...actuallie also no big the time i went back, alr 11+ local time...which is 12+ sing time =.= slpy alr...but i woke her up and in the end we chatted over some insignificant things b4 dozing off...............

Morning breakfast! yum! i love american style bkfst...altho no pancakes but got waffles!!! YUM...sat was boring cos in the morning we had "conference" -.- BORING...
in the end we skipped the tour to cu cin tunnel and went shopping but seriously! i dun think the things there are nice lehz...-.- quality not good...price also in the end i bought a shawl at the mkt..and i cannot tahan the horribly messy and congested and narrow jenny, lydia and i decided to go somewhere else...=\ in the end we went to somewhere near sheraton...first time in my life, i walked into a gucci shop -.- wooooooooo...they say the guy attendant very shuai...but to me, he's just tall and well built...=.= looks wise reallie so so bahz....then we went into the LV shop...o.o also first time...but i reallie dun see the point in buying such an expensive bag lehz =\ hmmm .......

actuallie i was a little upset during the trip w ade and on my nerves a few's typically me lahz..when ppl are closer and leave me out of the loop i will be pissed..=\ zzz
previously they told me abt their fren eunice and how they cannot stand her for the things she they say, i realised i have some similarities w eunice..does tt mean i am as annoying as her as well??? zzz...sometimes i reallie think my character sux as well...hai~

anywayz at night we went on the cruise along mekong then i alr sian dao wanna die liao...then got this magician come to our table and perform some tricks..some tricks he din do too well..can see where the trick lies...hahaha but over all still quite enjoyable lahz..

( ok i am getting lazy) bottomline is i din enjoy the trip even tho it's freeeee...nothing much to see in vietnam also...boringggggggggggg...the onli good thing is the mani and pedicure there VERY CHEAP...french mani is usd6, normal is 4...nail art is usd1 per finger...that's reallie cheap!!! :) but i regret not getting the nail art...arghh...crapping alr....i still have to go back office tml for some simulation for the new system (zzz) but at least i will get paid $_$

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