Thursday, January 24, 2008

FINALLY i decided to post a little on the xmas celebration we had on sunday, 23 Dec 07...

1st activity: 食字路口
Rules: 7 of us split into 2 groups, 1 team gives the starting food, the other the ending one. Every item that we eat, must be bought from a different stall, 7-11, supermkts can only be visited ONCE, as evidence, a photo of the stall, the food b4 it's eaten, and after it's eaten. The food item must be eaten completely!

Team A: Ms Yuan, Ms JY, Ms YZ and Ms Wyn

Team B: Ms Bobo, Ms Ee and Moi

Team B came up w the starting food...Mee hun Kway(面粉果) and Team A the ending food qing chao (仙草)...u realised both teams all 心机很重 said mee hun kway, one said qing chao. Both tried to mislead the other team to connect using the given word when they themselves think of the food in the chinese name (if u get wad i am trying to say...) hehe...

Our chain of food: Mee hun Kway(面粉果) --〉果汁 --〉芝麻糊汤丸 --〉wanton with 酱青 --〉qing chao (仙草) [*nods* yes, i shamelessly copied the whole line from ee's post]

First dish...clever ee asked the auntie not to give too much and got us an extra bowl =)
3 of us eat one bowl of mee hun kway like we are hungry ghosts!! i swear we totallie disregard any 形象(if we had any to start with)...i think the ppl ard us prob tot we are poor and hungry

SEE HOW CLEAN!!! we must be real hungry...

2nd "dish"...lime juice aka 果汁 =)

3rd dish~which ee totallie cmi...cos it's SWEET...hahaa...the place where we spent the most time as well...=(

prob our WORST dish...cos it's SO disgustingly salty T_T Ee and I drank the soya sauce (ewwwwwwwwwww....) for the ACTUAL footage of us drinking, pls refer to
just to mention, the uncle was very nice...we asked for 3 wantons even tho he sells yong tau fu and prob has a min amt of pieces to buy...and he charged us very little for it i think...(thankew uncle =P)

(shit i look FAT here) Last dish close yet so far...we were almost finishing when JY called...and we were running halfway while i was still on the phone (waste my phone bill) so in the end obviously we lost (undeservingly ...bleah!) so we went to buy the champagne and log cake as our punishment...

But after our "discussion", we realised they misintepreted mee hun kway as mi fen GAO...(X dehhh! wrong!) we decided to share the cost of the champagne and log cake among all of us in the end =) but the game was reallie fun~! and we took much shorter than planned...but all the running ard made us all very sticky(double ewwww!)

After lying ard and rotting...(see pic as proof), we started our next activity...

2nd activity: Pictionary
(courtesy of KS.. lending me her pictionary which so happens was a gift from bao and wynne's clique...hahaha)

3rd Activity: Present exchange!
The present i brought there was a bag and everyone tot that it was meant for yuan! she even took the bag out to "examine" it...hahahaha...

I bought for the same person as last yr, ms bao~ how coincidental is that? the strange thing? she bought for the same person as last yr too! and yz bought for yuan again! so qiao~hee

the mess...


My x'mas prezzie(s) was...or rather were from ms ee, they comprise of a necklace(which is very her style) and STEVEN GERRARD autobiography which i kept saying i will buy myself but nv got to it...=) thanks~ i love my prezzies including the sock filled with candies that yz got us, the little photo frame yuan got us, the sourvenirs from bao from aussie (SUPER useful little cup that u will see in the photos below, used as our shot glass... hehe) and ee's sourvenirs from TW, a face mask (mine is with a catty), MEOW~

Activity4(a) : taking PHOTOS!
(i swear to God, we took so many photos, i dunno which one to pick so of cos i chose the ones that i look nicer in...well, it's MY! =P)

Activity 4(b) :card playing... to pass time till our food arrives...and punishment was gasless hoegarden (duno how to spell)....eeks...

Activity 4(c) : FEASTING! kfc+pizza!!

FOOD~...oh glorious food~~~

The champagne and log cake~ honestly i tot the champagne was alright leh...maybe cos i have a thing for fizzy stuffs... =)

5th activity: 疯狂抽大小
... everyone draw 1 card, smallest card drink 1 shot. Draw the joker card, drink 2 shots. [yes, i shamelessly copied from ee's post again! =P]

how many shots did we drink that night? i lost count...but the 5 of us all drank our share to finish the supposedly not very nice champagne...hee
i got the "ultimate" joker card that warrants a 2-shots "punishment"...boy am i lucky or wad??

i am NOT drunk =\

Last Activity: Truth and truth...we ask a qn and everyone has to give an answer at the count of 3...i enjoyed it a lot...lets u know wad ppl think of u as well

Like ee, i had a wonderful wonderful x'mas~ i hope everyone enjoyed themselves too!
This is also the last gathering we had with all 7 of us b4 JY left for least we got to meet up =)

to you, who have managed to read all the way here...i took 2.5 hours sorting the photos, choosing which ones to post, posting them, typing the words, recalling the events...2.5hours! =.= *faint*

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