Thursday, January 24, 2008

Since i am in a very bloggish mood, i shall continue to blog abt the "farewell" dinner we had with JY @ Ichiban Boshi at esplanade...

actuallie it's more of just the photos...cos i realised we din talk much, just munch munch munch...hahha....

YZ hates me T_T

She hates me not =P

More random photos:

Laid back vs 敷衍的笑 vs act cute =P

natural cute-ness =)

My fave photo cos my eyes looks BIG...hiak hiak hiak...

if only yuan was there too, will be another full 7 photo!

Eh?? wad's this?? everyone caught the hysteria bug!

Normal again~

All she lacks is a halo o.o looks so "innocent"...hehe


That day was pretty uneventful...seems like the fact tt JY was gonna leave soon hasn't been drilled into my head at that time yet...=( i wish we did more things that night...

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