Thursday, April 17, 2008

actuallie i wanted to post this a long time ago but well...being the lazy lil me...i only finally did it now...

i met with one of my sec sch fren abt 2 weeks has been reallie reallie long since i have met her and talked to her...i still rem we were very close in sec 2...=) she was one of my best pals...reallie...but when we went to sec 3, we just sorta drifted apart and hang out in diff cliques..i was pleasantly surprised to see her after all these years, i think since jc yr 1? that's like close to 7 years...=)

i was supposed to be meeting her with 3 other ex classmates but for one reason or another, only the 2 of us managed to make it in the kinda was a blessing in disguise i first i was kinda worried that it might be a little awkward...since we haven spoken to each other for close to 7 years...but this awkwardness melted almost instantly after i sat down =)i guess if there were 5 of us, i might not have gotten the chance to reallie catch up with her...we reallie talked a lot in that short 1+ hr...

7 yrs...that's A LOT of catching up to do =) i guess i was a little sad when it was time to end our lunch break...i reallie had a great time chatting w her...isn't it amazing how u can not talk to someone for 7 yrs yet still feel so comfortable talking to her?(i hope she felt the same way too..) the biggest surprise i got was that she rem my birthday...i was REALLIE touched when she remembered, of cos i do rem hers as well...but i am just touched that someone actuallie bothered to rem ...that lunch reallie made me a happy girl that day...a very happy one much so that when i went back to office, i was grinning's practically infectious :P(that was until someone came to spoil my day by screaming rubbish at me for sth that i did not do -.-" but that's another story..)

bottomline is i enjoyed that little "reunion" with someone that i reallie treasured as a good fren...:)

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