NIGHT SAFARI here we come~ i was damn excited when i reached there lah...and i think the entrance was pretty well the "safari" feel~~
Sourvenir shop we haven even go in and we are alr at the sourvenir shop~ hehe
the "Wayang" near the entrance..
cha-chiang~ we are at the night safari~
the big fish tank outside the er...toilet...haha
the restaurant...
the cultural show with the tribal ppl dancing w some of the tourists =P
the "totem"...
And now for some animals....
The "critters" corner
Venomous (African?) Tarantula...
more frogssssss...
Leaf insect (i forgot the actual can u spot it?
STICK insect!! spot it spot it!
the long tailed porcupine that totally dun look like a porcupine but more like a giant rat =X
Cute otters~~~
We saw a group of them at the fishing cat trial, they had food then so they bo hue us...when we walked past them again like 15 mins later, they finished the food and ALL of them swam towards us and looked at us as though we had food for was...quite a funny scene =)
FLYING squirrel!!! it's reallie DAMN COOL! it flew past me...SO CLOSEEEEE...
and reallie amazing to watch~ we spent a long time there...looking from one squirrel to the other to see which one has more potential to fly~hehehe
have u watched the movie "Madagascar"? that's the little creatures on the island the 4 animals landed on =)
this is wad i called a porcupine! we saw the porcupines at feeding time...2 were eating then 1 more came along and went a long way round to nibble at the food at the edge then suddenly 1 of the original 2 went towards it and when their spikes bang against each other, u can hear the chopsticks against chopsticks...scary! the poor thing was being bullied and it was forced to nibble on the leaves T_T looks sad but nature of life...the strong always bullies the weak...
The animal show...enjoyable other than the stupid tourists who keep using flash! dumb ppl..and super inconsiderate to the animals...i dun understand why such ppl exist.
We managed to walk this fishing cat trail ...altho we din get to see the fishing cat
but i was rather fascinated by the crocodiles...they are HUGE even though their snout is long and thin... but they are so BIG...and we can see them so closely, it almost scares me...hahahhaa...
we also saw a baby mousedeer...mi gosh, it looks like a cos the legs are so thin...they look like chicken legs...hahhahaa...
We left the place at 12...which is abt the time they close...wished we reached there earlier fun~
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