Wednesday, May 07, 2008

KTV on 19 APril :P

Red, Yellow, Green = traffic light :P hehe

Our very "uncle" behaviour of drinking coffees...and singing old songs...

Always with the mic I am :P

I like that jacket *blink blink*
(green is good luck for rats and we are gonna play mj after this!) :P

Always facing the camera Bao is :)

Even when she is covered by a shawl~(she is facing and smiling at the cam!)

Round 2...much more like the "youngsters" we are :)

ANother traffic light colour~

Trying to take our own photos



Try#3 :( fake smile....haha

Try#4 -.-"

and they decided to try without me >.< see the spot...that's supposed to be "me" hahaa

I took this photo, well at least i managed to fit everyone in...altho...only yz looks nice in this photo...:P

And they decided to terrorise the camera :X

Looks familiar? think xmas celeb in 2006 at kbox...

Ta-dah~ (tsk no originality...hehehhehe :X)

And Bao decided she is a flower~

A shot they were "experimenting"...w the hand half covering the lens o.o hee...artistic?

Meow~ i wan more ktv...i think i am addicted to singing~ reallie...i got the crave NOW!

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