hehehe...actuallie i have been back for 3 weeks...so kinda forgot some of the details alr...but anywayz i shall try to recall all~
Hakone - Tokyo
Weather is cold cos we are still near mt fuji~ (actuallie i dunno if we are Near or On Mt Fuji -.- too many mountains...hahah) I woke up shivering...cos the previous night, the heater (it's actuallie on the ceiling) was too hot, so i turned it lower...i even tot i shld put my clothes out on the bed to let it keep "warm"...who knows =.= in the morning become so cold....brrrr...
@ breakfast...(not fully awake yet :\ ...)
breakfast as usual...bacon, ham, scrambled egg, sausage, pancakes, cereals, toast, coffee...wad's new ~_~ so in the end, i hardly touched my egg and ham...no appetite...
纳豆。。。i forgot wad it's called in english~
mix mix...i didn't try it though...:P smells weird...hee
hmmm...we figured it's a thermometer, 1 needle for the temp indoors and 1 for outdoors...
While waiting for time to go downstairs...photo taking time~
the second photo was at the balcony...we are kinda in the 'woods' so all we see are trees...
lalalaa...outside our room...
At the entrance to the building of our hotel room...
We were "trying" to capture the mist coming out of our mouths...hmmm...guess not~
I guess u can see that it's colddddddddd...hehe...
We were on our way to Owakudani Valley when we passed by this BEAUTIFUL garden...it's actuallie part of a hotel there, so our mr nice guy driver went to ask if we could quickly stop by and take some photos...^^
Look at the flowers!! OMG...it's REALLIE very very very beautiful...the whole big garden full of blooming flowers, bright red and pink with wonderful mixture of whites and greens...i think if my mum was there, she will go wild...haha
Our tour group :) 19 of us~
Unfotch, my camera decided to spoil here...i dunno wad happened to it...just when we were abt to take the grp photo, it just sorta hang :( but a min b4 that i was still taking photos de lor...hai~ so sad...and it kinda spoilt my mood for the day cos reallie very sian lor...camera spoil...zzz...n my mum sure will nag at me...:(
@ Owakudani Valley...also known as boiling valley...it's an area where sulphurous fumes rise from crevices in the rocks (yes, yes, i copied this sentence from our itenerary...u think i will mention things like crevices on my own? hehehe)
gloomy day, pls dun rain~ but the view is very nice on the top...
did i mention it's cold? :\
On our way up~~~i am very cold T_T
This is the place to buy the Black egg that is cooked by the spring water (sth lidat =\ i dunno wad exactly it's called)...apparently if u eat it at the TOP there, u will be younger by 7 yrs~ i had 1 bite, so er......i am younger by abt 1yr? LOL...but u must eat it at the top, if u eat it when u are back down, it won't be 7 yrs anymore...believe it, or not?
Lots n lots of fumes~
You think only ppl get to sit on cable cars? the black eggs here get to ride up on cable cars...cos if they are delievered by car, they will break on the way due to the winding mountain roads...:P
The legendary youth gaining eggie~
Yet another capsule machine~
Turn Turn...
Actuallie i dun even know wad's the thing that came out...i just bot it cos the capsule is the black egg...
Hello kitty in black egg!!! HAHAHA...it looks so funnie! see the little crack at the top~
Next we move on to Hakone National Park to Lake Ashi to take a short cruise ride...
It's not as cold, cos we are going down the mountain already...in fact the sun was out :)
I must say Japan's sceneries are very nice...according to the tour guide, when they plant the trees, they alr mix the colours during the grafting so that when the trees grow, you will see different shades of green...Japanese are masters when it comes to bonsai and scenery crafting...
Waiting waiting for our shippie to come...
Wind is strong as u can see...and after being blown by the sea breeze, i smell like ...hmm...seaweed :\ quite a disgusting smell actuallie...hahahhaa
The "ship"...it's actuallie a pirate ship...hehehe
An elevator in the ship O.O it's a rather small ship but still...elevator for the handicapped...another totful act...
Inside the "cabin"...as usual, it's clean and tidy...they also have different "class" for the seats, the first class ppl get to sit at the front, in their special section separated by the door...we also can go up to the deck..but i was lazy and dun wanna move...so i din go up :P
Inside, they also have a screen to show u where the ship is...just like on the plane...very hi tech and totful...:) anywayz the journey is very short...so we reached very quickly...
Nice clouds~
Enjoying the scenery...
Actuallie i was kinda in a sulky mood then...mood swing attacks!
actuallie the tour guide introduced the eel bento...but well...i dun take fish! so i had it changed to pork~
Ramen...oiishi! i enjoyed that lunch a lot a lot~
I look very satisfied don't i? :D
Actuallie this is the building we had our lunch, we only came upstairs to use the toilet and happened to see these small "rooms"...they even have those bedroom slippers outside for you to chg...:)
Some street snapshots...
After lunch, we moved on to TOKYO! the bus ride was pretty long so i spent the time zzzing...totallie dun rem wad happened during the journey...*concussed*
So we reached Tokyo and went to Asakusa Kannon Temple...a temple that has more than 1,300 years of history. Its gate is guarded by the God of Wind and Thunder, w a huge red lantern hanging above...

When we reached the place...it's very very cold...drizzling in fact...i was standing beside yz...and she was shaking uncontrollably...it's reallie very cold...shesh...so much for the good weather in hakone...:( as usual we had to wash our hands and drink the water before going to pray...omg...the water is so cold :\ the temple was very crowded w a lot of students...(there are students everywhere -.-!) but they are wearing their normal uniforms only...amazing...dun they feel cold?? hmmm...
Along one of the streets near Asakusa...
Hello Kitty sushi!! omg...so funni, the hello kitty is the rice -.- it's a tamago sushi~
We spent some time at Asakusa, and i finally bot some sourvenirs...for the sake of buying them...cos it's alr day 5 and i hardly touched the money yet so i got some magnets which i reallie like (altho they are quite ex) ...
my sulkish mood persisted throughout the day...so i was kinda quiet...just wanna get on the bus to keep warm...while we were on the bus, cos we were one of the few early ones...so the nice bus driver showed ee an ayumi concert after she told him she likes her...and it's very obvious he's showing it to her cos he only put down the back tv where we were sitting...lol...so cute lah...but usually we dun get to watch it for long cos the ppl will start coming on board...
See the gold building with silver top, it's meant to look like a mug of beer, the silver being the foam...the golden curvy thingy was meant to be the handle of the mug but they realised it's too heavy, so they had to put it lying down instead...haha
Next we move on to Ueno flea market...something abt buying seafood or wad...but obviously we are not interested, so we went the other way instead...shopping spree officially starts~
We went into a toy shop...it's selling the new dinosaur robot that our tour guide said she wanted to buy...latest art of AI...apparently it'll rub itself against u, wanting to be pampered etc...cute lah but nothing beats my beloved doggie at home...:) anywayz, we 3 bot the "tokyo tower" without knowing wad's inside, it might be white or might be like the real life red and white tower, red and white with LIGHT...in the end, only yz got the normal red n white one....both ee and i got the pure white one T_T sadded...no luck sia...
then we went into another shop...ok the clothes reallie ex...but some of the accessories still ok...i bought like 5 rings there!!! omg...hahaha...but they are all rather nice so no regrets there...
then we went to their dept store...yes, all branded once again...tempted to get the knee length anna sui socks but in the end, i think i wun reallie dare to wear it in sg, so din buy afterall...yz bot a nice cap there...and i think it's reallie very nice and worth the buy :) [ i borrowed it from her on the last day...hehehe]
next we moved on to Shinjuku...more shopping but actuallie we had very little time, quite wasted...ee decided to get cigarettes from the vending machine just for the fun of it...-.-" yap...so we went to the basement to shop for awhile...things are still relatively ex...in the end i got a skirt which i like a lot a lot...:D sweet~ i also got a liquid eyeliner...their local brand cosmetics reallie much cheaper wor~ :X Due to time contraint, that's all i managed to buy...
errrr...more capsule machines anyone?
street view...so Japan :)
Jap version of the Istana...? This is where the royal family stays...apparently it has a sad story abt the woman who married the prince...(i forgot her name...)
next stop to Ginza, the "branded" street...to burberry!
Burberry here we come!!
Inside the lift of Burberry...they even have a seat for the guests...omg...haha
My most expensive conquest thus far...say bye bye to 500+ dollars
The service of the ppl selling black label (guys) is better than those selling the blue label (girls)...the guys will still walk u to the lift...so polite...the gers also ok lah but not as merticulous i feel...
Night view :)
Along the street of Ginza...
After that it's dinner time @ Odaiba~ i am starving...
The yummilicious chawanmushi...i dun eat it in Sg but i ate the whole thing there...hahaha it's reallie nice ;P
Steamboat dinner!! lots of pork meat and vege!
Look at the over flowing meat!!
After dinner, some night sceneries, we were able to see tokyo tower and the rainbow bridge from here...very nice view...but the wind is killing me~

These 2 photos are taken from our tour mates' camera...cos ours apparently can't capture the night view that well...
Japan has 10,001 ferris wheel...i wonder do they have so many ppl patronising them? hmmm...
but nonetheless, they are all very pretty at night...
At this point of time, most of our tour mates are taking turn to take photos w our tour guide, who will be leaving us to another tour guide tomorrow due to some short handed issues, she needs to take another tour in hokkaido instead...cos the last 2 days are more of free and easy for us so she asked for our understanding etc...oh well...can we say no reallie...? :\ so there we were, happily asking her to help us take photos and we din offer to ask her to take w us...:P so 不给她面子...hahaha...
@ the hotel room...tired~ and today's room reallie much smaller as the tour guide told us...hahaha...hardly any room to put the luggage bag...
My darling~

My "conquests" so far...see the capsules! my lovely skirt, the millions of amulets, little Mt Fuji (kawaii ne~), the tokyo tower and the food...
our mess!!! omg...
Btw this is the room that we suspected yz got her "bed bug" bites cos she was the one sleeping on the sofa bed and cos suddenly the next day, her arms got a lot of small red patches...but until now we duno if it's due to dryness or bites...
Okie...great! 2 more days but day 6 will have A LOT of photos...cos it's DISNEYLAND day!
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