Sunday, April 27, 2008

yay~ finally i went to night safari =D it didn't disappoint~
i woke up today and the first thing i tot abt were the animals i saw ytd night =)

I think we were kinda lucky, weather's fine, animals all coming out to roam...

First thing we saw was the cultural show...basically is a tribe, dancing and singing...but quite scary cos they will drag ppl in to dance w them...*runs away* i stood the furthest away ..hee...cos i am scared~

anywayz we went on the tram ride...night safari is reallie...erm...very dark...i reallie think my eyesight in the dark very bad sia..=\ hahah but nonetheless we managed to see almost all the animals...the sheeps/goats, deers, roaring lions, striped hyenas, flamingos, pelicans, tapias,hippos, water buffalos, leopards, fishing cat, crocodiles(scary!), spotted hyenas, ant eater, porcupines(1 that looks like a rat and 1 normal looking one), lots of civets, otters, bats, flying squirrels(damn cool!), badgers, lots of different kinds of birds like red crown cranes, ducks etc, elephants, giraffes, rhinos...

too bad we can't use flash so a lot of the animals we can't take photos =( but at least we got to see them~~~ and the tapir and deers were soooooooooo near our tram!

it was reallie very fun~ cos i am an animal lover myself...i love going to the zoo and watching animal documentaries...=) so seeing all these animals made me a happy ger~ i shall post more when i have the photos~ yay~

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