Wednesday, January 28, 2009

on my way home, on the train...i saw a family - 2 old grannies, 1 dad and 1 mum all standing, and their kid was sitting on a seat...but he stood up and refused to sit cos he wants either one of his grannies to sit...he insisted even though both grannies and his parents all asked him to sit...then i look at the young girls sitting next to him, they were watching everything, but did they have the basic decency to give their seats up?? apparently not. this is not the first time i have seen such things. this is wat our society has become. am i asking for too much?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

well...i have been going to minds cafe n settlers very often recently cos of my spanish classmates...hahaha...aiyo...overdose of gaming...(and money spent) but it's reallie fun...found this new game...BIG TABOO, introducing Bendy Bob:

Bendy Bob

A purple version of "elmo"? hehehe
we are supposed to make use of Bendy Bob to make actions on the card for ppl to guess...omg...i laugh till my stomach almost burst...hahahahaha :D FUN~

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Have been going out with my spanish classmates...the mind cafe trips, the brusselsprout, the planned anchorvale swimming complex trip, snow city trip, to be confirmed europe trip...:) looking forward to those :) happy days~ i love my spanish class :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

restructuring is a scary word.

dunno wad the future holds...hmmm.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hoy es el empeza de mi espanol clase, lvl 3...hmm...yo pensé mucho antes yo decido a ir..porque yo quiero ahorrar dinero...pero si yo no tomo ahora, no sé cuando yo tomaré..y después yo pensé de mi resolución de año nuevo, yo decidí que yo debo ir...

Hoy, rosa revisó con la clase...yo me doy cuenta de yo olvidé muchas esta bueno...

ella dice que este lvl, nosotros tenemos que trabajar más duro...yo tengo miedo...>.< no me gusta estrés...sianz... cada lección, dos personas tienen que hablar sobre una tema..y tienen que hablar para dos minutos, todos en espanol! muy estrés...hahahaa...sighz...

Translation: Today is the beginning of my Spanish class, lvl 3 ... hmm ... I thought a lot before I decide to go .. because I want to save money ... but if I do not take now, don't know when I will take .. and after I thought of my new year resolution, i decided to go...

Today, Rosa revised with the class ... I realize I forgot many things...not good ... she says this lvl, we have to work harder ... I'm afraid...>.< I do not like stress ... sianz ...

Every lesson, two people have to talk about a topic .. and have to speak for two minutes, all in Spanish!very stress ...hahahaa ...sighz...
browsed thr my photos and found some of my hk trip photos from last july, (not including those that my dad's fren took) =.= has been half a yr already??

First day, at the tram station...

@ the peak..

My fave dim sum breakfast~

yumz? heee

Touching the God of Wealth...hope it works, i reallie need the money this yr :X
Pisces star cruise wor!~
Ocean Park

Puffer cute~

Jellyfish O.O

some...sea creature =.=
View from the cable car:

Snapshots of the cute pandas~

Finally i managed to watch the dolphin show~ It was kinda short though...

cable car to the Big Buddha...
Papa mama :D

Sis and me~ we dun look alike (i know, i heard it a million times)

My fave photo "with" Gerrard...hiakz...
My conquests:
I found this in Ladies Market and bot it without even asking the price...i think i am obsessed...haha...

The PILE of clothes i bot =.= it's ridiculous...

Some of the clothes that i like more..

The magazine that i haven read fin even till now =.=

Not forgeting these which i obviously read finished :D