Saturday, January 10, 2009

browsed thr my photos and found some of my hk trip photos from last july, (not including those that my dad's fren took) =.= has been half a yr already??

First day, at the tram station...

@ the peak..

My fave dim sum breakfast~

yumz? heee

Touching the God of Wealth...hope it works, i reallie need the money this yr :X
Pisces star cruise wor!~
Ocean Park

Puffer cute~

Jellyfish O.O

some...sea creature =.=
View from the cable car:

Snapshots of the cute pandas~

Finally i managed to watch the dolphin show~ It was kinda short though...

cable car to the Big Buddha...
Papa mama :D

Sis and me~ we dun look alike (i know, i heard it a million times)

My fave photo "with" Gerrard...hiakz...
My conquests:
I found this in Ladies Market and bot it without even asking the price...i think i am obsessed...haha...

The PILE of clothes i bot =.= it's ridiculous...

Some of the clothes that i like more..

The magazine that i haven read fin even till now =.=

Not forgeting these which i obviously read finished :D

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