Thursday, January 08, 2009

since ytd, i have been feeling lousy...

1st...the tot of having to go see the chi sinseh to correct my tail bone again is nagging me...i reallie dread it...but i am going tmr nonetheless...
2nd...i was forced to look for a new phone to change to within 8 hours cos my mum told me she wanna renew the contract ytd -.-" and i was frantically looking through the website for any good deals or nice looking phones...due to the constrain of time, i did it in a hurry...after i changed my phone and tried it out...i super duper regret =X i miss my pink shiny sony ericsson phone already...maybe i am just someone who cannot adapt to change easily...
3rd...the sux to the core. the feeling of being redundant is hard to bear. i need some outlet for my frustration and my fren doesn't seem to understand wad i am driving at.
4th...the post accident matters that i need to handle...are just claims, finding the necessary documents, writing to the TAC in Australia, claiming for my visits to the chi sinseh, need to write to my personal accident insurance and so many are reaching the deadlines...ahhhh...frustrating!
5th...all the money i have to pay...the hp bills when i was in australia, the visits to the chi sinseh, if cannot claim, i have to pay for all =.= if i continue to go on a regular basis, it's reallie quite xiong. or maybe secretly i am lamenting the fact that my sis got a huge pay rise, and i not only will not get any but might not even get bonus. then the tot of if i were still at pwc haunts me ever so frequently. this world is so screwed up.

the only comforting thing this morning...i finally managed to fall aslp on the mrt after i had the accident...reason being, usuallie i can't sit too comfortably cos i will press on the tailbone...and since it hurts, there's no way my body can relax enough to slp...just when i tot finally my life is starting to fall back into place, i woke up 2 stops b4 i reached dhoby, i wanna die...the pain is back...maybe i was just too tired from slping at 3 ytd...that's why my body was tired enough to forget abt the pain for once...i duno. i dun wanna care anymore. maybe all i need is some comfort or maybe i am just sux.

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